Tuesday, November 13, 2012

12 on 12 November


9 am.
Morning YouTube ritual.


10 am.
At least his diaper is still on. Good morning Quentin!


11 am.
My cool dude.


12 pm.
Setting up the kids with coloring so I can make lunch.


1 pm.
Crocheting while having tea with an old friend.


2 pm.
Sneaking in a few minutes of Glee (Season 1) while waiting for the baby to fall asleep.


3 pm.
A little nurse mommy care after a bitten bloody lip. Gotta love boys and rough housing!


4 pm.
Quentin sang in his crib for 2 hours boycotting nap. So Sean decided to join him.


5 pm.
Prepping dinner.


6 pm.
Home made meat sauce ready to be frozen. My double batch gave us dinner tonight (already eaten) lunch for tomorrow for me (small container on top) and Sean (already in his thermos for school) and 10 weeks of dinners to be frozen.


7 pm.
Enjoying a nice glass of red.


8 pm.
More season 1 of glee & working on teachers Xmas gifts.

This is my 12 on 12 project (from yesterday) for November. All pictures were taken during the hour that are written below, not at the exact hour on the nose. I had a busy weekend and forgot to announce the winner for the Cowl contest, I’ll come back asap to do that, stay tuned!


Sandra said...

that's how I make meat sauce as well - i giant batch and freeze in portions. Sooooooo much easier.

Unknown said...

we've been having to duct tape olivia's diaper or the first thing she does in the morning is take it off... after a few days of that mixed with dirty diapers, we pulled out the tape!

Teena in Toronto said...

That's a lotta meat sauce! Yum!!