Two lines. Definitely pregnant! (I hope!) Why would two tests be wrong?

I've also started reading What to Expect While Expecting, which I've had for about a few months now. I just recently purchased What to Expect the First Year, for a really good price. Can never be too prepared! I'll keep the second book for later on in my pregnancy.
Wow. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I've been giddy for the last 24 hours I'd say. This morning when I saw the results on the First Reponse test (shown above), I literally jumped for joy, with Jamie. Seriously. I kid you not.
I think I'm going to tell just the parents next Sunday on Mother's Day. Haven't decided how I will tell them. I think Mother's Day is a good Day, right
Today, I had class this morning, it went by pretty fast and we were let out early today (first class - we went over a few things, then we got to go home). Now, I'm not really too sure what to do with myself. I probably should take a nap (even though I feel like I got enough sleep last night) and tonight I'm going to help my grandmother with something, and then watch Jamie's 9pm ball game. Softball season starts tonight.
And that's about it! I noticed my tulips are open in the front of my house, I think I'm going to photograph them today as well. I love spring! I'm in a very good mood lately!
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