As soon as Kadi took off to school for some conference with the minister of education, Sean and I hit the pillow. We both passed out for about 3 hours, waking up at about 10 minutes to 8 pm. That was a lovely nap. Sean naps sooo well when he's in my arms. Otherwise you can count on a short nap. But I guess snuggled up with mommy it's a whole other story! I love cuddling with this little guy, it's just the best!
This evening Jamie & I watched Survivor, then I watched CSI while feeding Sean his last bottle of the night. Sean fell asleep in my arms, and then after putting him into this crib for the night, Jamie & I watched Sopranos from last Sunday night, and we're almost caught up on all the shows we're behind (Just 24 from Monday & Lost from last night to go!) I worked on some ETSY orders that I just got yesterday. I also knitted a bit on the secret project.
Have you seen this giant knitting project? Yeah - I'd go and take a look. It's huge. HUGE!
What happened to the show Las Vegas? Usually there are 23 episodes in 1 season. This season cut off at Episode 17? And the title for episode 1 of next season is already up on the guide listing. What happened to episodes 18-23? I'm so confused. I also heard a rumor that James Caan is leaving the show?
What happened to the show Las Vegas? Usually there are 23 episodes in 1 season. This season cut off at Episode 17? And the title for episode 1 of next season is already up on the guide listing. What happened to episodes 18-23? I'm so confused. I also heard a rumor that James Caan is leaving the show?
On tap for tomorrow... I'm not sure. I hope the weather is nice, I want to walk over to the post office with Sean to mail off some Etsy orders, and do some window shopping. I love looking in all the shop windows on the way to the post office. I was going to go walk over tonight, but Sean & I crashed hard (nap time), so I didn't end up going, although it was nice out today, it was indeed a little chilly (wind factor).
Plans for this weekend? Jenn's baby shower on Sunday. (Providing her water doesn't break and she has the baby beforehand - lol - I joked with her today that her water will break before or during the baby shower!) Wouldn't that be cute. Well I don't think Jenn will find it cute, but everyone else sure would! (I remember the mess my water breaking made - that wasn't fun soaking towel after towel at home before I realized what it was and had Jamie's friend drive us to the hospital up the street!) Thank goodness I didn't soak his car! I'm sure he would have sent us the dry cleaning bill! Ha ha!
I got a 5$ rebate to Royalyarns.com - I'm *thinking* about ordering some patterns, but I'm not sure what yet. I see they have the Classic Elite Yarn pattern that I've got on my wishlist for a few dollars cheaper than off the Classic Elite website (which I have linked in my sidebar), and with a 5$ off coupon, that may sound like a good plan. I really want to cast on the sweater I want to make from it - as I have the yarn sitting here staring at me in the face! It's lime green - how can I miss it. Anyhow, I plan on sleeping on it tonight, and possibly ordering some patterns tomorrow. Hmmm! There are some really cute Sirdar baby patterns too - Sean would look so cute in many of the sweaters! I just want to knit everything for this kid!

18 Week Self-portrait - Wow 18 weeks - sounds so old! Sean will be 5 months old before I know it - how crazy is that? 20 weeks is half of a pregnancy, I can't believe it's been 18 weeks already since I was pregnant. I miss being pregnant, that's for sure, but I don't miss the big belly! Oh - and look at that smile in the self-portrait - he's full of them! A year ago today, I found out I was pregnant with Sean!
I like the colours you used for the dyeing. The staining factor though of kool aid is a bit scary. Makes you think twice about drinking it, eh?
wow dying ur own yarn! ur so crafty. me and my friends saw these tyedye onesies the other day online... Im not a huge tyedye gal... but they were so CUTE! So we want to get together and make onesies for our babies LOL
ach! That daily dose of smile is just too friggin cute!! I need a snuggle LOL COOL Dyeing. I haven't ventured into that yet. Gotta wait until I get a bigger place, although...(thinking) this summer would be cool to try it with the kids!
Yes, gloves are highly recommended. After all, Kool Aid dyes ORGANIC material, your skin is right up its alley! Nice blue green yarn...right up MY alley.
Will you do it again?
Great job dying your yarn. That knitting project is crazy! Great picture of Sean.
The yarn dyeing looks like fun! I giggled at the pic of you drinking wine and Sean drinking his bottle. Have a great weekend!
aww the daily smiles are sooo cute :) I LOVE the colors of your dyed yarn is'nt dying addictive, I need too dye some more again :)
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