We're back to regular schedule smiling. His nose is almost 100% cleared up, and the cold is gone. I'm glad he's feeling better, now we can go an enjoy the weather.

Square number 18 is finished. I used some unknown leftovers that was sent to me. Square number 19 is in progress, it's OPAL Hundertwasser colour: 1432 Der Blaue Mond leftovers from
Kadi. It's knitting up really nicely, I really like the yarn.

Zeus has been finding a home for himself on anything that belongs to Sean. I don't really mind this, besides the fact of the cat hair.
No interesting mail today to speak of. Just the regular bills. Today I had a nasty headache, and slept most of the early evening. Tried to sleep it off, didn't work, so I took some tylenol. It half worked, so I was able to watch the season finale of Lost, but now it's back, so I am going to take a break from the computer tonight, and head to bed. Plus apparently my husband thinks my sleeping habits are bad. So maybe I should get to bed tonight before the hours I'm used to!
Your Sean is getting more handsome each passing day. I love the pictures. I also love how the blankie is coming along. can't wait to see the finished project.
Our cat does the same thing. One of his favorite places to lay is in the laundry basket. On top of the clean clothes of course. Pain in the butt cat. He's lucky he's so darn cute. LOL
My blanket pattern is a Plymouth pattern and is written for worsted yarn. I'm working one for the baby right now and will hopefully get time to post pictures of it tomorrow. It is a 41 stitch cast on and is worked diagonally as opposed to horizontally. I like it but I'm about ready to junp on the sock yarn band wagon. Bet you can guess where my scraps will be going. :-)
I think #18 is some Lorna's Laces in Aslan that I sent you. It looks familiar.
I didn't know you had a cat! :) Maybe I did and I forgot? I saw it in the 7 things post that you have 2. Who cleans the litter box if you aren't a fan? LOL
I'm behind on the reading since Andy came home I haven't been at work. I'm back now so I am catching up on all the blogs! :)
Look at that smile! I'm glad he's feeling better, and hope you are doing better, also.
Love the cat!! I can't believe how big Sean is getting already! Just amazing.
And the blanket- I"m going to make one as soon as I get pregnant again. It's just so adorable!
Yay, I'm glad that you like the Hunderwasser! Once washed, that stuff is so damn soft!
your blanket is going to be amazing when it's finished! i love that Zeus likes to hang out in Sean's stuff--that's cute!
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