I got my tshirt from Cynthia this morning in the mail, that I won in her contest that she just had. She had two larges & one medium up for grabs. I wore it today (it's a little hard to see it though in this pic). But I'm wearing it - and it fits great!
It was too hot out today. Sean only owned the one pair of shorts he is wearing in the photo above, so I bought him some shorts today at Walmart. I think I'm addicted to Walmart (and their baby department). I swear to g-d, I'm in Walmart at least every other day. And I have to go back tomorrow, I have a return to do, and I want to see if another location has some more shorts in 6 month size for Sean. I didn't like the selection at the Walmart by me. I was at a Walmart on Tuesday with my mom.... yesterday doing a return with my mom (at a different Walmart) and today with Kadi. Tomorrow I go myself. Oy. Walmart. Evil, evil, evil place. I even got myself a REALLY cute top today there. I like it.
Tonight Jamie & I went to the 2nd shiva house for his late great-aunt. Jamie's cousin's son is almost 4 years old, and he's reading at the level of a 4th grader. He is not even in Kindergarten yet. They're having him testing for a gifted school. Wow, I asked him (Jacob, the almost 4 year old), if he'd like to teach Sean to read! I really hope that I have a kid like that! I can dream... and hopefully make it a reality! I really do plan on raising a reader - but if he's gifted at the same time, I won't mind that either.
This evening upon getting in, Sean screamed again in daddy's arms, but I took him and instantly he calmed down. Jamie said it was the same screaming that he did the other night when I went knitting. I think this kid is a mommy's boy. And you know what? That scares me. Really badly. I want to be able to go out with my friends, etc. I don't want to be tied down to always being with my son. I need a life too sometimes.... (whether it be knitting outings, or seeing other friends or even going out to do errands on my own). Sean has to learn that it's safe to be alone with someone else. And he's good when his grandparents babysit. He's good with his Auntie Amy when she babysits... so I don't get this... why is he doing this with his father? Maybe it's the time of the night? Maybe he's overtired, or something. Maybe, he's teething and that's when it's bothering him. Who knows what it's attributed to, but all I do know, is that he becomes a whole other baby when he's back in my arms.
Tomorrow Sean has his swim lesson at 11 am. I'm so damn excited! My friend Sherrie is in town staying with us for the weekend (she's from Boston, and I'm staying with her the night before the WEBS Yarn Harlot Event - which apparently got moved to a theater, because it's going to be a huge huge huge event - that scares me!) and I'm very excited to see her.
Alright, lots of errands to run tomorrow before & after Sean's swim lesson. I hope to be able to get some pictures taken, but I'm a little nervous of my camera being near the water. Hmm.... we'll see.
Love your pics in this post. The black and white with a bit of colours is great.
What cute pics. The photo editing was nice! how'd you do it?
I think I have that same mexican looking blanket! I got mine from Mexico years ago. It is also our "park blanket" HAHA.. sits in the back of our Altima all the time.
He is total cuteness! And I love the effects you used on the pictures - how fun!
Do you have Target up there? If you think Walmart is fun/addictive, you should see Target...good Lord, I can't get out of there for less than $50, and they have the cutest baby stuff. Walmart has gotten a lot better around here with the cute stuff, though, for sure!
As far as the momma's boy thing....
Our older daughter did not like daddy for a while. She'd be fine with me, she'd be fine with some others, but daddy was different... When she'd have to be with him (couple weeks straight of me working days - about 5 months old) she actually changed her schedule so she slept all day and woke when I got home. We just made sure he had all the tricks - the dvds she liked to listen to, a swing, walks outside, etc... she now (5 years old) loves daddy, and always wants to do things with him. It really only lasted a couple months. Good luck!
Sorry this is so long - we'll have to meet up for the yarn harlot. If you're in boston the night before, what are your plans for the day of?
I'm back! We need to discuss "our swap" details because I found some interesting goodies in the UK...anyway I acm back and there were still no stitch markers for me :( from the SM swap.
wow it is cool to win contests huh?
i won one once for some yummy expensive sock yarn i'd never buy so it was rad!
i LOVE all the pictures of sean today. he is just so adorable with those cheeks you can eat them up. I love your documentation on each week too...even if it's simple mirror shots. :D
Looks like you guys had a good time!
Don't worry about Sean being a "Mommas Boy". I think it's developmental and it is proof you guys have a great bond and shows that he knows who you are and has developed feelings of attachment for you.
In fact, it is a good thing that you leave him with Jamie for "you time" (he will stop screaming, it just feels like it's forever). Their bond will get stronger and you'll get a break. Besides, before you know it he'll be exerting his independence in spades!
I love the black and white pics, the Opal yarn is really pretty, I've never tried that yet, have'nt seen it around here :)
The pictures of Sean are so adorable. Have fun with the swimming lesson today
cute pics! :)
Hey! I thought you said you never win contests? LOL You keep winning contests ;) must be your lucky month or something ;)
Ugh I hate walmart, but I love Target I was just thinking of a good reason to go. I have none and I need to stay out of there.
I love the photo editing you did! You're going to have to show me how you did that! I know my camera can do it but I'm too lazy to read the booklet, and I'm sure you did it on the computer anyways. :) Glad you had a good day at the park with Kadi.
These are great photos -- especially the self-portrait of you and Sean, and the funny pictures of Kadi. And yay! that it didn't rain yesterday after all.
Those pictures are so cool! How did you make them like that?
Sean might be spoiled rotten, but isn't that the way it's supposed to be?!
How'd the swim lesson go? I'm so excited to read about it. We just got Oliver a little pool so he can play in the back yard
the pics look soooo cool! :) Yeah, I think you're right about your WalMart addiction. lol. But there's nothing wrong with it at all! I have a Target one. :) oh, i hope sean's first swim lesson was great today!
Sean is such a cutie pie--love the pics of him on the blanket. I added your blog to my sidebar.
oooh the yarn harlot you lucky lucky girl!!! I'm planning on seeing her in Petaluma,Ca when she's out here in June! Yipeee!
Have a great weekend!
Tag!! check ouot my blog for the info :)
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