I did a ton of errands afterwards, and something that I picked up at Walmart, that I wasn't sure of the size, so I bought it in a Medium & Large to try on at home, while I was doing an errand, the bill flew out of my purse, got stuck to a car driving down the road, and drove off with that car. I NEED THAT BILL! I'm sooooo mad. I've even tried calling Walmart to see if they could re-print the bill, but no such luck. Apparently they can only re-print it if it was the last bill that went through the cash. Thank goodness it was a walmart brand item, so since the tags are still on, I am 100% sure that I can at least get a credit note for the return. UGH! I was hoping to get my money back, since it was over 30$, but that ain't happening. Thank goodness everything else on that bill, I'm keeping.
My friend Sherrie has arrived here, staying with us for the weekend. We walked over to the shopping center next to my house, and we picked up two bottles of white wine. I thought the name was funny - Monkey Trail, so that's why we picked this South African wine. We had dinner, drank some wine, tried to watch some movies (my sister came over as well), and eventually when Jamie got home from his ball game (softball), we played a game of poker, and my sister ended up coming to the last 2 (her first time playing!) and she ended up splitting first place/second place with a friend of Jamie's.... because it was getting late, etc..
So... I'm most probably going to see the Yarn Harlot in Toronto, and in Northhampton at the end of the month. I'm going to go with Kadi to Toronto, and I've got a spot in my car for someone to come with me to Boston.... anyone interested? I don't want to drive alone. The only thing is - it's mid-week.... so anyone who can take off work, or whom isn't working?
Alright, off to go hang out with Sherrie!
awe he looks so cute in the water. I think Caleb was 4 months when he got into his first pool. Taite hasnt had the chance yet. I dont even have a bathingsuit! I let a student borrow mine back in Ohio and it got misplaced some place. So I need to buy a new one. Which is fine with me, I want a new one :-)
Are you coming for the 25th?? We so need to get together!!
I'm still toying with the idea of heading to TO to see the harlot. A quick fly-in, stay a night or two and fly out. I'll let you know if I make it so I can actually meet you.
They'll definitely give you a credit & may give you a refund if you explain what happened.
Awww, look at y'all looking so cute in the pool! Too bad the lesson got cancelled, but Sean probably had a great time anyway.
look at Sean in the water! that's a good thing that you dunked him completely under water and he didn't even cry. :) you know, I'd go with you to see yh in boston but I'm a bit of a drive for you! lol. hope you and sherrie have an awesome time together!
SO darling!
Happy Mothers Day!
Hmmmm...Boston, when?
He looks so adorable in the water. Great picture
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