Ran a million more errands today. I think Sean's sick of errands. Here's what he thinks of them:
He's been a really cranky baby. I'm thinking it had a bit to do with teething and a bit to do with the fact the he barely naps during the day (yet will sleep 10-12 hour nights!) All he wants to do is be entertained during the day.
I heard it was a high of 29C degrees in Montreal today. It felt like Jamaica in the dead of summer. Our house is hot, and it's gross outside. This evening wasn't so bad. (Talk about that soon - below). It's almost time to pull out the air conditioner. Sean was sweaty all afternoon, so he's been lounging around in his onesie. He's currently asleep in bed for the night, in his onesie with a thin cotton sheet to cover him. His window is open. If I feel it gets a little chilly overnight, I'm going to go put a thicker blanket on him. I dare not try to put him in a sleeper - tried to change his diaper in the middle of the night last night, and that was not such a good idea. (I never got to knit last night, but I did watch some House M.D., while feeding Sean).
Angela came over this afternoon and was so kind to do my hair. I love my hair straight. If only my hair straightener liked me. I suck at doing my own hair. Never turns out right.
I went knitting tonight with an impromptu meet-up for Montreal Knits, because Deawn is leaving us for a while to go to her mom in Ohmaha, so, she wanted some knitting time before heading on a jet plane... We'll miss you Deawn. Hope everything goes well with you mom. Keep us posted. Our thoughts are with you. I had a BananaBerry Smoothie. It was devine! I got some rows knitted before taking this picture above. Below, is the progress upon returning home from knitting. I got about 20 rows knit tonight, I think. I'm very impressed with myself. We sat outside, and it was nice on the terrace, and the weather was warm, with a little breeze, it was just nice. I missed sitting out on a terrace and just talking and people watching. I love to people watch. I find people so interesting!
And when I got home, Jamie told me that Sean screamed for 10 minutes after I left and wouldn't let up. I'm sure had I been home that would not have happened. He wanted his mommy. His mommy wasn't home. I love this kid more than words can describe, however, I can't be next to him 24/7. I need some "Robyn time".... I need to see my friends sometimes too. And that's what tonight was all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, and that's what it's all about. (Ok, too many kids songs stuck in my head).
I got an AMAZING package from Laura who participated in my stitch marker exchange today in the mail. WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you Laura. Pictures will come tomorrow. Sorry, didn't photograph it yet. I'll keep you guessing. All I have to say is THANK YOU! She sent me this as a thank you for hosting the stitch marker exchange. Wow! Thank you. Sean thanks you. She sent him an adorable outfit!
Tomorrow I'm getting together with Kadi. We were supposed to go knitting in the park, but it's calling for rain tomorrow. (Maybe this humidity will go away?)! I guess we'll watch a chick flick and knit. I could use some of that! Tomorrow night we're going (Jamie, Sean & I) to shiva house number 2. (I mentioned that for Jamie's great-aunt who passed away, the two kids who are sitting shiva aren't talking to each other?) So Tuesday we went to one's house and tomorrow to the other. It's really hard to pick which one to go to first, but we felt our decision was right.
I think that's all going on around here... I am so glad I got out of the house for a bit. Phew! Going to go watch 1 more episode of House M.D. and knit a few more rows. (Jamie's socks will be done before I know it!)
ps- for those of you inquiring, the sock yarn for Jamie's sock is Regia. I can find the label later for the colorway. I don't know it off hand.
I wrote about u on my blog ;-)
Taites been cranky 2... maybe they will get teeth together, awe.... HAHA
Oh and NO Taite did not sleep through the night. He is going through a growth spurt. I remember Caleb hitting on at like 6 months and he would even get up at like 2AM hungry, this NEVER happened w/ Caleb except during those big spurts.
Taite ate at 8pm baby food and a bottle, and slept until midnight... then woke up STARVING! drank 4oz... then went back down until like 6:00AM when he ate another 6 oz.. and now its like 9AM and hes up.
The sock is looking great! :) Those hockey jerseys are very cute too.
Hope your lil man gets uncrankified ;)
Hair looks cute...I am the same way about my hair I can't do anything with it except blow dry it. *sighs*
just so you know...i'm hoping to send off my sock yarn to you somewhere between today and saturday. ;) i've been a tad overwhelmed with the end of the semester. :P
Awww, I love the picture of Sean sleeping. I love sleepy baby face. He looks like he's a good snuggler.
Poor cranky little guy. Oliver had a period of time where he refused naps. Thank goodness it was just a phase! Have you tried anything for the teething pain?
It's so hard to get "me time" isn't it?! I always feel guilty leaving him, even if it is with Daddy. Is that a mom thing, or what?
Your hair looks really good straight! What kind of straightener do you use?
i love that you bought three sizes of Habs jerseys for Sean! :) Glad to hear that it was possibly an animal that did the damage to the tulips! :)
goodness--my previous comment posted to the wrong blog-shows how much I'm paying attention! :P Sorry!!! our apt. gets super hot inside too. It's so gross. I can't imagine how a baby would have to deal with a hot place. :( that's too bad about that the two kids sitting shiva don't get along..maybe now they'll reconcile?
I have a great hair straightening product for you to try - all you do is spray it on dry hair and brush it through, and it magically straightens it. It's called Vinyl Glam by Redken and I totally swear by it!! They sell it at salons and also at Ulta (do you have that chain in Canada?)
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