Finally, here is my contribution to the contest I'm hosting for my Secret Pal 10 group. I asked my group members to post about their current WIP's (Work in Progress). Also, the group that I'm in (
Kerry's Group), is having a contest about Flashing your Stash! So here is a picture ready post with all my yarn & projects!
First up, My Stash for
Kerry's Contest.

Sean's blankie stash.
Non-sock yarn stash.
More non-sock yarn stash.
The yarn for my cabled pullover sweater from Classic Elite Yarn's Summertime Knits. (Forgot to add it into the non-sock yarn stash pile).

And my sock yarn. Skeins accounted for: 108. 51 skeins are 100g. The rest require 2 balls for a pair of socks. So that's a total of enough yarn for uhm, 80 pairs of socks. Ok, don't tell my husband. That's the calculation my Excel Spreadsheet did for me. I think that works out. That's a lot of socks to keep warm in the winter!
Next up, is my WIP's for my very own Group Contest (#6).

Thrummed mitts for me. Working on mitten number 2. I have until winter time, so no rush.

Woven Trellis scarf. Been forgotten about since before I gave birth. Also have until winter to finish. This is also for me.

My first pair of socks ever. I used them to practice working on short row heels. First one I goofed, you can't tell in the pic. The one where I started to close the toe, I forgot to knit every other row, so it's got decreases in every row. Oops. They're meant to be ankle socks. They're going to be frogged, I don't like them. They were good practice though. They're a WIP from January/February 2006. (Almost a year and a half old!)

Sean's blankie. 21 squares completed. Looking good, I think! I love it. A big square will go in the middle. Can you see where I mean? I left a space for it. That's the next square I'll be working on. I'd ideally like to be done by Sean's first birthday in December.

Column of Leaves scarf with my yarn from Vigo, Spain from my Europe 2006 trip. I have until winter to complete. I'll take a close up of the pattern picture soon, if you're interested in seeing it closer.

My father-in-law's
Irish Hiking Scarf (with matching hat to come). I have until his October birthday to complete.

My first cabled projec (
Irish Hiking Scarf Pattern)t. I think I did a great job on the cables. Ran out of yarn (almost). Color is discontinued. I want to see if I have enough to finish it into a neck warmer. I'll but a button on it to close it. Eventually I'll see if there is enough to finish. Not much yarn left.

And my last WIP, sock number 1 of the married socks. I finished Jamie's so - I need to finish mine! I'm almost done sock number 1. Just a bit to go before closing the toes. I'm packing it up to come with me to Webs this week. I'll work on it in the car. (I'm also bringing Column of Leaves Scarf and Sean's blankie to work on). (Can you say Knitting A.D.D.?)
OMG - I cannot believe how many skeins of sock yarn you have!! Did you hear my chin hit the desktop when I read that? Holy mackeral!!
I think I'll show hubby - then he won't ever be able to complain about MY stash. Haaaaa!!
OMG I want your sock yarn stash!!! What is the Regia in the bottom row, it looks peach and pink too me I LOVE it, I find peach yarn very hard too find :)
OH. MY. GOD. I had to show my husband just to prove to him that my stash of FOUR skeins of sock yarn is nothin'!
It would be fun to figure out how much knitting you do in an average day and how long it would take you to knit all that stuff.
I am so jealous of all your yarn (especially the sock yarn). I always feel bad when I accumulate yarn so I don't have a big stash. Sometimes I wish I did though, I could sleep in it.
That's a fair deal of sock yarn. I showed your pics to my BF and was like "Robyn has enough for 80 pairs of socks. I only have enough for 42". The reaction I got - "WHAT??!! 42!!!"
Just wondering - but where did you get your sock blockers?
That is some serious sock stash! My entire stash doesn't even compare! LOL! I showed Nate and he just said, "".
I love your WIPs too. I need an Irish Hiking Scarf for myself...
I love your sock yarn stash! It really helped do away with the guilty feelings I've been having about having enough sock yarn for 40 pairs. Your WIPs are great too! I've been trying to decide what should be my first cable project - was the Irish Hiking Scarf a good pick?
WOW!!! You have alot of Yarn!! I want so many of your colours. Where do you get/order?
your yarn stash looks like my scrapbooking stash:) I hope that you are having a good time in my part of the world:)
Love the stash, especially the sock yarn!
your sock yarn stash is amazing!! where do you keep all of your stash?? i noticed that you've got a lot of pinks in your sock yarn stash--I was drawn to the pink/orange mixes! :)
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