Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Jamie surprised me yesterday and installed the toy organizer in Sean's room. I love it. I was eyeing the Thomas the Train one at Walmart, but this one is better, because what if Sean doesn't like (or does like & outgrows) Thomas the Train... this one is just colorful, and a lot of fun. As you can see, I've already organized a lot of his toys in it, and the toy chest, that was mine, which I gave to Sean, is just full of stuffed animals right now, and not mixed with other toys. I love it! I think I may need to get myself one, for my yarn! LOL. We actually got this one for free, from Jamie's ex-work place. He's still really good friends with 3 employees whom still work there (he has lunch with them every Friday) and they we able to get this for us, as a gift nonetheless.

This morning we went to brunch (I ate lunch though - wasn't in the mood for breakfast foods) with Jamie's dad, step-mom & his step-mom's family. We got to see Jamie's step-sister, her husband, and their daughter "little" Jamie. (Yep she has the same name as my Jamie!) Spelled the same way too! Anyhow, it was really good to see them, and I was given a lipgloss (some really neat stuff) for a little gift for mother's day. My in-laws had sent me a card in the mail during the week, that was really nice of them!

This evening we went to dinner with my parents to Hymie's Grill in the west island. I had ribs and they were delicious as always. It was nice of my siblings to get me a gift, they got me some Precious Moments Figurines. Above is A Love Like No Other, and I also got:

A snow globe that is musical. They are adorable. I already own a few Precious Moments figurines that my sister has gotten me before, they are beautiful. I need to find somewhere to put them all, I don't think there is enough space where they are currently (the ones I already have)

Jamie gave me an IOU for a massage. There wasn't enough time tonight before he went to bed (he has to work tomorrow) from when we got home from dinner (and dropping my grandmother off at home) and by the time Sean fell asleep, I have an owed massage. That is my mother's day present. And you know what? I'm 100% okay with that. I don't need Jamie to buy me stuff to know that he thinks I'm a good mother. He told me today that he sees what I do with cards, and that's why he didn't buy me one... So I said "Oh, yeah, what's that?" He says "You read them and shred them"... I was like I have never once done that to a card you've given me. I have all the anniversary/birthday/valentine's day cards you've ever written me. He said "Oh". I then proceeded to tell him that I only shred notecards I get in the mail that I do not need to keep. But that's okay. I'll make him a father's day card, and he's getting hand knit socks... so I don't care that I'm getting a massage in return. Actually, I love his massages, and they're rare... And since I'm using my hands for his father's day present (to knit socks), he can use his hands back, and give me a nice long massage... my shoulders could use some attention! I think I'll collect soon!

Speaking of those socks.... there was been a HUGE progress on Jamie's socks... I do plan on sharing that with you tomorrow. They're upstairs and I do not feel like going upstairs to get them right now.

Poor Sean is sick. He has his first cold. His nose is running, and he hates it when I use the nasal aspirator to clean it. Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up at 3:23 am to clean his nose, he couldn't breathe. He screamed of course, and woke up, so I fed him some bottle, and he went back to sleep. I've been giving him tempra, which is good for colds & fever, but I don't think he has fever. I think it's this drastic change in temperature that got to him. The other day he was in a tshirt & shorts (with NO onesie because it was too darn hot) and the last two days, he's back in sleepers with onesies underneath because it's soo darn chilly outside. Poor kid. I hope I don't get sick, I've been giving him lots of kisses!

This week I've got his 4 month shots (doc apt) on Tuesday, knitting on Wednesday night, and possible plans with a friend on Thursday night. I'm hoping Tuesday night is date night, and Friday night we have plans with Jamie's sister, who is in town with my nephew, as they're leaving on Saturday for a week in Disney. (Jealous)! Jamie's dad said they'll take us when Sean is older. They are a group of 12 of them going! I wish I was in Florida next week! My cousin Jenn is having a c-section on Thursday, so I plan to arrange to go to the hospital to meet the little guy. Very excited for that.

I'm 99% figured out my plans for Toronto for the May 25th Yarn Harlot Event, (will most probably be in Toronto with Kadi from May 24th - May 26th) and I'm coming with my mom to the Webs Yarn Harlot Event in Northampton, MA on May 30th. (Will be in the USA from May 29th - 31st). My mom is very excited for shopping, and I'm very excited for Webs! And my mom will be a giant help with Sean, so that's a bonus. To her, it's three days straight of being with her grandson, she's very excited I'm sure! Jamie can't come with me to either, because of work and baseball, so I'll definitely miss him while gone! But, I'm on maternity leave, and while it's still easy to travel with Sean, I want to take advantage of being able to do so!

I'm very excited to meet some new friends in Toronto & Boston/Northampton, MA and both from SP10 and other knitting blogs. So if you're in either of those two areas, do let me know, I'm very excited about my travels!

To all of you out there celebrating Mother's Day - Hope you have a good one!


Anonymous said...

This was really wonderful to read...thanks for sharing all of this...and lovely photos...they are absolutely beautiful!!!

Wendy said...

Poor guy! I hope that he is feeling better soon. It is do hard when they are sick:(

Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day! The first one is always so special!

Have you ever been to the Boston area? I love it this time of year? So very pretty! I live about 90 minutes from the city! Also that is Memorial Day weekend in the states so be prepared for some extra traffic!!

Ali P said...

Oh my gods, we have had that exact same organiser for years!!!
Cool. Also, the wooden train sets at Ikea are waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than the authentic Thomas sets and sets from Grand River Toys. Holy schmoley did we spend alot of money during our Thomas phase. And were they well looked after? NO. little ingrateses. We still have our imitation Thomas table for setting up the sets that we commissioned a carpenter friend to build and paint. It holds LOTS of folded (or not) laundry. Just a tip for about 8 years from now. ;oD

Anonymous said...

OMG! look at the bunch of cutness all three of you are in that photo!

g-girl said...

wow, your trip to WEBS is coming up very soon, isn't it! that was really nice of Jamie's friends from his ex-workplace to get you guys that toy organizer!