While waiting at the doctor's office today (when you're not pregnant, you wait!) I cast on another square (and finished when I got home), a new square for Sean's blankie. It's STR, colorway is .... Fire on the Mountain. (Thanks Suzie!)

Here she is, the latest block on Sean's blankie. Square number 17. Nice & bright!

My cutie scratched his nose the other day just before I was about to cut those nails of his. I swear, they grow fast! He was even born with "wolverine (Xmen)" nails! We joke and say that my high tear water breaking was because Sean's nail punctured the sac he was in! I just love this face. How could you not love this face above?? I get to look at him all day long!

I had my obgyn check up today, the hair loss is attributed definitely to the pregnancy, and can take 6-9 months from giving birth for it to regulate back to normal. I'm not worried. Almost at 5 months, so I'm almost there! Everything looks good, and according to the doc's files, I am back to my "pre-pregnancy" weight, which was at just over 2 months pregnant. I now need to finish losing the weight that I had lost in 2005, for the wedding. I can do it. I'm just stuck. It's bad. Hopefully now that the weather is a lot better, I can walk more and do stuff outside with Sean.
Toronto is not happening this weekend, which is too bad, but I've got my hotel in Northampton booked for next week for the Webs event. I'm going with my mom & grandmother, and I'm very excited. I'm also getting to see my friend Sherrie (we'll meet her halfway in Worcester, MA - which according to her is pronounced "Woooh-stah" - Sherrie makes me laugh. But what was even funnier was hearing my mom say it as "Wor'ches'ter" all afternoon while we were looking at the map to figure out the route/plan. I was going to stay one night at Sherrie's house, but because my grandmother is now coming with us (and extra extra set of hands is always helpful with a baby), we're not going to impose on Sherrie's 1 bedroom condo. But we'll definitely meet up with Sherrie for dinner. How can I go to MA and not see one of my best friends?!
However, Toronto is being postponed until June 8-10th. I'm hopefully attending this. TTC Knit on June 9th - which is International Knit in Public Day. Sean will be coming, (I can't leave home with out him), and I'll hopefully be with Kadi & maybe Caroline?
Whatever money I had aside for this weekend, I'm allowing myself to spend on that day only (June 9th) for the event, and I'm still going to keep my 1 month of no spending any money on anything except food is allowed. Does that seem fair? Because I was supposed to go this weekend, it just didn't work out. (Anyone know where in Toronto we could stay?)
No IK Magazine today, still, so I called, and they are sending me another issue. What a way to start off my subscription, that I purchased in February! I was supposed to receive the Spring 2007 issue, so now they've added on an extra copy to my subscription for not receiving that one, and sent me another issue from Summer 2007. I can't wait to get it in the mail, but it will probably only come next week. Oh well. I'll wait. The same girl that I spoke to last week on the phone, is the girl who answered today, so I didn't have to repeat the story, nothing. Easy transaction. That's the fastest customer service I've ever had!
Tonight after Jamie's ball game his friend Daniel & his girlfriend Francesca came over for a bit, and we watched Anaheim play Detroit. Jamie was rooting for Detroit, but that wasn't happening, so Anaheim make it to the final round of the playoffs vs. Ottawa. I think I'm rooting for Ottawa just because they're Canadian. The only reason.
1. I have no cavities.
2. I am not a cat person, but I live with 2 of them.
3. Only breed of dog I've ever owned are Great Danes.
4. I was born 2 weeks and 2 days late. I was due June 1st, 1981 and my mom finally went into labor on June 14th, and then after 48 hours of labor, my mom had a c-section. And to this day, I'm still late places most of the time.
5. I love bingo scratchie lottery tickets. They're fun to scratch.
6. I don't wear nail or toe polish. Not a fan.
7. I have been a babysitter, computer store cashier, computer store receptionist, computer store administrator, photography store general employee, photo lab technician, video store clerk, professional photographer and graphic designer. Those are the only jobs I've ever held. Some of them even at the same company. I've only ever worked for 4 companies. The photographer & graphic design stuff have been self-employed jobs.
Wishing you too a very Happy Mathers Day! You have a lovely little boy and yes he does have the cutest little face ....I just looked through your other posts too and I love your baby's pics. They are so precious. Looks like the blanket is turning out good...I'm still teaching myself to knit and doing too good at it!
He seemes to do so well in his walker thing. I wish I had ours out of storage for Taite now!
Congrats on no cavities :-) i think I may have one... great...
I love the colors in that sock yarn, can't wait too see what you make :)
Sean loves the walker, my girls HATED it, both of them LOL
No, no it's "wistah!!". I grew up there and live one town over in Shrewsbury so I should know!! I'm hoping to get to the sheep/wool festival on Saturday or to see the Harlot next week but have been a little under the weather and might not make it. Have a wonderful visit!
Great job on the post partum weight loss!
What is up with Interweave? I too am waiting for my copy and didn't receive the spring issue till the end of April, Uggh.
hey there - just a random question. i stumbled on your link from another blog where you said you had a pdf tutorial for burp cloths. wanna share? I'm 29 weeks pregnant on semi-bed rest, and I don't know whtat the ideal size/shape for a burp cloth is. thanks so much. email laurahofstede225@hotmail.com
Like your list of random facts - your birthday is my wedding anniversary! Good for you for being back at your pre-pregnancy weight; I'm sure you'll get rid of the other pounds too now that you're on a roll.
I just recently got some roving from the same (ashabee) etsy shop. Beautiful colors. You've been tagged for a different meme on my blog. Enjoy!
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