Dear Anonymous,
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
Didn't your mother teach you that if you have nothing nice to say, to say nothing at all?
I'm leaving your comment there for everyone to see what a loser you are.
and ps - those knitted/crochet items whether they were given alone or with other items - what is it your concern? You weren't the one receiving them, so what do you care? And they were made with love. You're probably just jealous you didn't get them as gifts.
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Monday, May 07, 2007
About Me

- Knit and Purl Mama
- I am a 30-something mom who knits, and takes pictures, a lot. I am a mother to 3 adorable boys, Sean (Dec 2006), Mackenzie (June 2008) & Quentin (Nov 2010). This is my journey through motherhood, photography, the books I read, life in general and knitting, of course. Oh, and other crafts too!
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- Dear Anonymous
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- Clarification!
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You tell 'em! And by the way, "Anonymous" - you could at least have the guts to use your real name to stick by your "opinion" when you insult someone's hard work.
It's easy for a coward to say mean things and walk away. I'll bet you wouldn't have passed such hasty judgement if you had to post your name.
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'm sure your mother taught you that.
anon. is just another example of how society is going down the drain. what happened to class?
The gifts are lovely! Any expecting mommy would be thrilled to have them!
And anyone who would leave a comment like that w/o attaching their name or blog, isn't worth giving a moment's thought to!
Dear Anon,
I think that if you are going to leave a rude at least post your post your name. I think it is cowardly of you not to leave your name. All i have to say is "COWARD"
eww people can be so rude. IF you're going to be rude at least leave your info. I mean if you're too ashamed to leave your name by a comment like that then you probably shouldn't leave it.
Oh good lord, how rude. Don't give them another thought, lovie.
Well said and I agree with all of the other remarks.
Well said! Anyone can purchase a gift at a store, but a handmade item is something special. I'm sure the recipient appreciated and adored the wonderful (and thoughtful) gifts, and for someone to publish such a spiteful and bitter comment...well all I can say is that they truly are a sad, sorry individual.
What a b*tch!!! Really the best gifts are those made from the hands and heart with love!!!
People can be so rude... I think they are lovely
Anonymous = rude bastard.
I think the gifts are great and I'm sure Jenn loved them!
a gift stitched with love is worth more than any gift bought with money - they are beautiful gifts
Oh Dear! It's quite unfortunate that this has happened. I guess, anonymous, still has to learn his/her manners. Possibly no one has thought of him/her so highly as to spend some time and effort making something for her.
It's a shame that someone with just a few ill-considered words can detract from a wonderful posting (loved the baby pictures). I thought the presents were great as well! Anonymous, go post somewhere else if you don't have anything nice to say!
I couldn't have said it any better myself! I think the gifts you took the time and care to make are wonderful and I'm sure your cousin was just thrilled to recieve them. I know I would have been. Nothing says "I love you" like a gift that comes from the heart and hands.
I tell you, when I used to scrapbook and frequent certain boards, the cattiness I saw in people was ridiculous. I never thought another knitter would have it in them to leave an anon comment like that. At least have the cajones to put your name down. It's easy to write something and hide behind the veil of being "anonymous". Get a REAL life!
Anywhoo, Robyn. Yes, the book is definitely worth the read. A lot of great information and surveys. They asked both married men and women about their lives before and after babies. Great insight. And very funny. And of course, so very true. (For women at least.) I could really relate to a lot of the things going on. Like "Division of Labor" and "Scorekeeping". It's helped me and Shawn quite a bit since I read it. (I admit, I'd read the parts that I thought he needed to know ;). But he got the idea!)
People are strange...
when you're a stranger
faces seem ugly
when you're alone
women seem wicked
when you're unwanted
(I am sure I got those lyrics wrong but who the heck cares, right???)
Can't believe some freak would come here and comment like that. oxoxoxx
Hey there, mamasita - you know what? She's probably just jealous because she has zero craft ability. Therefore, she must lash out and see what kind of feelings she can crush. Well, screw her. She's not worth paying any attention to.
I do have one comment for Ms. Anon -
What goes around comes around, and when you get yours you will get it a hundred fold more than you gave my friend. So bugger off.
Oh, and by the way, Ms. Anon? Here's my blog - feel free to comment anytime, if you dare. Actually, I dare you to comment with your real name. But I'm guessing you won't since you have no cajones. Chump.
R - hope you don't mind I left this additional comment. :-)
Dear Anonymous:
Well, I'm the one who received the blanket and bib. And guess what Anon? I DO love them. And even if they would have been made out of the scratchiest wool or ickiest acrylic (which they're not), or the most hideous colors (which they're not), I'd STILL love them. You know why? Because my dear, sweet cousin took the time out of her busy life with her infant son just to knit them for me. And they are the first knitted and crochet items that anyone has ever knit for me. And they were made with love. Maybe one day you'll be so lucky as to have someone care for you that much.
What a jerk! Why would you post that? And then not to have the nerve to leave your name so that comments could be returned, coward.
And I like that blanket! Cute boy colors. And what a good idea to make a bib out of a washcloth. :D
I sure hope Anon is'nt a knitter, in my opinion, how can another knitter think hand-made gifts are tacky??? those are the best kind!!! the baby gifts are wonderful, Robyn you did an awesome job and all I see is jealousy here from Anon, don't give this any more thought it's not worth it, it's probably the reaction Anon wants
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