Mack was ready to go - and really peaceful. He looks like he's about to meditate here in this picture! I call him my yoga baby - some of the positions he likes to sleep in with his legs folded, etc.
This late morning we had Mack's first doctor's appointment. All went well, and his doctor is just a little concerned about his weight not going anywhere in the last week. (And he has been eating!) Here's the stats: (I used this online measurement converter).
Birth weight: 2845 g – is actually 6.27 lbs (6 lbs 3 oz. and not 6 lbs 4 oz which is what the hospital told me he was).
Discharge weight from hospital: 2555 g – which is 5.63 lbs (5 lbs 6 oz. - not the 5 lbs 10 oz. they marked in Mack's vaccination record book).
Last Monday the CLSC nurse came to our house to weigh Mack. She told me he was 2770g (minus about 20g for the diaper, so 2750g) and not the 2700 g – which is 5.95 lbs (5 lbs 10 oz) she marked down in this vaccination book. She weighed him in a cloth scale, and not on a digital scale like at the doctor's office. No two scales are ever the same, especially not even when it's not the same kind of scale even!
And she weighed Mack today and he was still at 2750 g – 6.06 lbs, which is 6 lbs and almost 1 oz. How is it that he has been eating like a champ, yes, I hear him swallowing and he's latching properly, and he's not gaining any weight?
She wants to see us on Thursday, just to weigh him, but I don't know if I want to run all the way into the city just to get him weighed, so I may see if I can go into the local CLSC here, where I know they DO have a digital scale, and get him weighed like that, and if he has not gained any weight, Dr. F wants us to go to the breastfeeding clinic at the hospital where she works on Fridays, and he may have to get his "tongue-tie" clipped. She said it's NOT painful and it WON'T bleed. (My 2 concerns). But that he may not actually be sucking properly due to this. Apparently it's an easy procedure to clip the membrane under the tongue. She said she felt under his tongue and he may have a small one that needs to be cut, if there is no weight gain. Bottle fed babies don't have symptoms with tongue-tie, it affects breastfeeding, however, I just read that it could cause speech problems, because the tip of the tongue cannot rise high enough to make (articulate) some sounds clearly, such as t, d, z, s, th, n, and l. Hmm! I don't want Mack to have any speech problems, maybe I should have the tongue-tie fixed anyhow? Have any of you experienced this with your child? Now I'm wondering if Sean has tongue-tie and if maybe that's why he didn't latch when trying to breastfeed. I wonder how to tell?? Now I'm getting paranoid!
She wants to see us on Thursday, just to weigh him, but I don't know if I want to run all the way into the city just to get him weighed, so I may see if I can go into the local CLSC here, where I know they DO have a digital scale, and get him weighed like that, and if he has not gained any weight, Dr. F wants us to go to the breastfeeding clinic at the hospital where she works on Fridays, and he may have to get his "tongue-tie" clipped. She said it's NOT painful and it WON'T bleed. (My 2 concerns). But that he may not actually be sucking properly due to this. Apparently it's an easy procedure to clip the membrane under the tongue. She said she felt under his tongue and he may have a small one that needs to be cut, if there is no weight gain. Bottle fed babies don't have symptoms with tongue-tie, it affects breastfeeding, however, I just read that it could cause speech problems, because the tip of the tongue cannot rise high enough to make (articulate) some sounds clearly, such as t, d, z, s, th, n, and l. Hmm! I don't want Mack to have any speech problems, maybe I should have the tongue-tie fixed anyhow? Have any of you experienced this with your child? Now I'm wondering if Sean has tongue-tie and if maybe that's why he didn't latch when trying to breastfeed. I wonder how to tell?? Now I'm getting paranoid!

I also stopped at another store and picked up 2 more breastfeeding pillow covers as well as some Gagou Tagou Preemie Sized outfits for Mack. He's still only 6 lbs and is not fitting into anything Newborn (NB) sized nor 0-3 month sized stuff. Even some of the preemie stuff is WAY too big on him! Just means he'll get to fit into EVERYTHING we have for him! I heart Gagou Tagou. It's like one of the only companies that I find fits Mack. I don't even know any other company that makes preemie sized stuff. And why is it impossible to find preemie sized shorts?? IMPOSSIBLE! I can't have Mack go naked, and some days are just too hot for pants!

My pumkin plant is OUT OF CONTROL! It's taking over as well. I've got to get Jamie to help me direct it properly. Right now it's just creeping along the garden. I hope to just get 2 pumpkins for Halloween, one for Sean & one for Mack.

I borrowed Jenn's breastfeeding pillow since she's not currently using it. On it, is one of the new covers I got for it today. I borrowed it for 2 reasons. 1) So I have one for upstairs and one for downstairs (I have my own also) and 2) so that Sean can have his own while I'm breastfeeding on the couch, as he has been trying to steal the pillow out from under Mack, and it's just not funny. So by borrowing Jenn's, we have an extra one that Sean can sit with, while I use the other.

I leave you tonight with a little bundle I like to call my Sweet Pea.
I'm bad though, he's already gotten nicknames in this house:
Mac N Cheese
Mack Attack
Big Mac
Mack Truck
Mr. Mack (my personal fave)
He'll probably hate me when he's 18. But that's okay. He has no say now!
I'm bad though, he's already gotten nicknames in this house:
Mac N Cheese
Mack Attack
Big Mac
Mack Truck
Mr. Mack (my personal fave)
He'll probably hate me when he's 18. But that's okay. He has no say now!
Just a few spots left in the August Sock Club. I'm totally insane for deciding to keep the sock club running, but hey, it's in demand, so I'm doing it for YOU! And you know what? It's ME designing the pattern for the August kit... so go on, order yourself one!!! (Once again, I know, I'm NUTS. I have a toddler & a newborn and I'm designing a sock pattern). I must be crazy!
Tonight, Jamie and I watched The Incredible Hulk which we'd gotten from someone. I liked it, but not as much as Iron Man or some other superhero movies I've seen lately/in my lifetime.
Tonight, Jamie and I watched The Incredible Hulk which we'd gotten from someone. I liked it, but not as much as Iron Man or some other superhero movies I've seen lately/in my lifetime.