Sunday, February 22, 2009

february twenty-two :: 112 weeks old

Sean is 112 weeks old today.

Today Mack figure out how to climb up something to pull himself up. He's standing on an angle in the position. I swear, it's only a matter of days now as to when he'll figure out to crawl. Either that, or he'll just go straight to walking, instead, to keep up with his brother. Who knows.

But as you can see, he's very proud of himself. Which I think iss too cute. He has been trying all day today to pull himself up onto everything in sight.

Sundays are generally lazy day around here. Today we lowered Mack's crib. It was about time. We just had to. Especially now that he has figure out how to lift himself up.

Tonight we had family dinner and we went a little later than usual, as I kinda let Sean's nap go later than usual today (he went down for his nap kinda late). On the weekends we've kind of been a little slack with the time Sean goes down for his nap, and we probably should get back onto schedule with his naps, at a reasonable time. I also don't want it to affect his weekday napping at daycare.

I cast on a new square on my blanket project. I really should be working on other projects, like a design I'm working on, or my step-mother-in-law's vest, or to finish Mack's Moss Block Cardigan.

There's just a few days left to pick yourself up a March Sock Club Kit. I'm featuring a Montreal handpainter, so act quick. I just have to say that the yarn is absolutely delicious.


g-girl said...

how cute is that! for your sake, I hope crawling doesn't get skipped since then you'd have two walkers on your hands!

Tara said...

I can vouch for the deliciousness of the yarn!!! I got a sneak peek, and it's YUM.