This morning in class (11:30-2:30) I worked the entire class on fixing up my project that was due on Tuesday. There was a bunch of things I had not done, that I didn't know I was supposed to and as well, there was a bunch of things that needed fixing. Anyhow, it got 80% corrected infront of me, and right now, I have 16/20 - and there is still 20% (4 marks out of 20) that have not been corrected. I have a GOOD chance of getting 100% on this assignment. I think I did a VERY good job. (IN THE END that is.... lol).
In the afternoon class (2:30-5:30) which passed by very quickly today - Laura and I got started on project #2 - which is also a group project (like project #1 that we got back today, we got 17.5/20 and the mistakes we got were things that she had told us were okay, so we may fight them, we'll see). At least we know where to improve on for project #2.
After school I headed home to a missed package in the mail. So after making myself a pasta dinner (same as last night), I designed a t-shirt for my friend Lainie (Lainie this is the ONLY surprise I'm ruining for you - it's been shipped).
When I went to the post office to mail something to my SP8 (some vintage needles - yesterday I also mailed her knitting note cards that are sooo cute), I also mailed Lainie's two packages and picked up the package that was waiting for me - which was my summery package from Jenn B! This is what I got:

Some chocolates, long striking matches (which are always useful for candles that are burned down), a USA journal (very cute) some nice smelling shells, a cute pin cushion, a blue egg, some GREAT frabic and some other funky items. I LOVE IT JENN! THANK YOU!!!

This evening Jamie had baseball so I took a self night. I had a project to hand it tomorrow that was due last Friday (which I skipped as I was feeling rundown, but that turned into bronchitis) so that is finished, and other homework things to get organized. I also cleaned up my USB key (there were duplicate files and files disorganized on there - NO GOOD!
I also matched up the 13 of us in my stitch marker swap. I emailed everyone their partners, and I can't wait to see what everyone gets this time around! I'm sooooo excited to get stitch markers in the mail. (To those participating the deadline to mail them out is June 16th (Friday) - which is also my birthday!!!
Alright, I'm ZONKED, it's late, and I need to get up early for school tomorrow. I'm having lunch with a friend tomorrow - it's been a while since I've seen her, and tonight we spoke on MSN and I finally told her I am pregnant. It should be good to see her tomorrow! My in-laws made a lasagna for dinner tomorrow night, so they're coming over before everyone else gets here for poker, I can't wait to have homemade lasagna, MMMmmm delicious. (I can't wait until I have the energy again to start baking and cooking in the kitchen - hopefully after my first trimester is over in 4 weeks I'll be top shape in the kitchen again!)
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