Today, my day off, I spent trying to study for my exam on Friday. It's really hard material and I am starting to really hate it. Some of it is common knowledge once you know the terms, but it's all technical details and I NEED to pass the mid-term and final exam in order to pass the course in order to graduate on August 11th. I'm sure I will do fine on her exam (the last exam I had with her was a final exam in Typography last semester, and I got the highest mark in the class on the exam with a 15/20). I think I'll be okay, but I'm just really freaked out about the exam, and scared of it! It really truly is HARD material. And it just sucks that we have this REALLY tough exam - on my birthday. (Sucky deal!)

I got some mail today from my dear friend Lainie. She rocks. Truly. Thanks a million Lainie! I got 2 balls of Kid Merino yarn (gorgeous colour - need to find a project to knit with it!) 2 Baby Einstein VHS tapes (IRONICALLY the 2 episodes that I don't own on DVD), some really cute ribbon, some candles, some awesome stationary and note cards, some Vegas Style stitch markers, and a book that her friend wrote, The Mother of All Parenting Books by Ann Douglas. There was a few other things in there - and that was fantastic! I love love getting mail. It always brightens my day.

Absolutely NO knitting today - as I had school work to take care of - and studying to do. I can't wait for the exam to be over on Friday, so I can enjoy the rest of the day on my birthday and the rest of the weekend!
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