So I wanted a new address and new look, just to spring clean. I absolutely LOVE the new colours, and my new banner. The new banner - I made myself, and it's a dyptic of two images that I took on my trip to Israel back in June 2004. It's 2 images that I put together (dyptic) for my portfolio upon graduating from Professional Photogaphy in May 2005. I like the two images together, and they have nothing to do with knitting, but they're my work and I love them. Love the colours. My last banner (which Karine says she liked better) was my image, but I didn't make the banner (That was curtosey of {love, joleen}). Apparently the black background, and the hot pink writing was WAY too much hard on the eyes, but then again, Karine liked it because it was good for reading in the dark at night. I do see a point there - but most of my few readers that I have - don't read my blog at night in the dark - and had told me that they had to highlight the text on the screen in order to be able to read the hot pink on the black. Too many suggestions (I'm not going to call them complaints) = time for a new blog look! Which was fine by me, because I used to be very crafty (which was incorporated in the name of my old blog) and now I've got pretty much only time for knitting (or the occassional crochet) so the new Knitpurlknitpearl is VERY appropriate, and I think very cute! I'm loving the new name.... and the new look.
Today, Friday, in class in the morning, my teacher went over a bunch more complicated things. I'm starting to really hate this class. It's just really tough material, and an exam on my birthday. And we're not talking about some little quiz here. We're talking about heavy duty material. Exam material is including: Pre-flighting (which is a program that checks if you're file is corrupted or missing fonts, or "defective" pretty much), the different types of printing techniques (press printing and publication printing, not like printing at home on your printer but at a printing bureau type of printing), web press vs. sheet fed press, different types of screens (AM/FM - not the radio stations - but a type of screen), colour separation, dot gain, types of prepress proofs, printer's spread and reader's spread (where you'd find the location of the front and back cover, the inside front and back cover, and the inside center spread), different binding methods and creepage/shingling (which are binding/folding things).
UGH! This is A LOT of material for next Friday's exam. I am just happy that it will be over by noon and then I have the rest of the day to enjoy my birthday. Goody!
This morning my teacher also approved my thumbnails for the session project (boy is there a lot of work to do in all my classes this semester, I just DO NOT see how there is going to be enough time. There's already just about 9 weeks of school left, or something like that - and most of my session projects are due the second to last class, so there is only 8 weeks left to do them. Yeah - you can say I'm slowly starting to stress out - but I'm trying to keep my cool - for the baby!
All afternoon I just relaxed at home, watched CSI from this past season, my mom sent over some episodes I missed on tape, and I've been knitting and working on my sock. I love the yarn I'm using, the Socketta - it's fantastic. I don't think I've seen socketta in Montreal LYS - but I am curious to what other colours exist. I think once I'm done with these socks, I'm going to start on the pair that I've promised my hubby. He keeps saying that I have until October to finish them, cuz that's when he'll start wearing warmer socks.... but I'd like to be done them way before then! Socks have been really easy to knit - for me, and I love making them!
This evening Jamie had a bunch of friends over, and I took another self night. It felt great just to do nothing and watch TV. I am going to go head into bed and watch more TV - and knit. I have to get up super early tomorrow as I'm going to the Montreal Knititng Guild Garden Party with Jenn and it starts at 10 am! 10-2pm. And then I'm doing some errands with my cousin Jenn (Walmart!)
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Friday, June 09, 2006
About Me

- Knit and Purl Mama
- I am a 30-something mom who knits, and takes pictures, a lot. I am a mother to 3 adorable boys, Sean (Dec 2006), Mackenzie (June 2008) & Quentin (Nov 2010). This is my journey through motherhood, photography, the books I read, life in general and knitting, of course. Oh, and other crafts too!
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Blog Archive
- Mail For Me!
- Playing Cards & Charity Knitting
- Secret Pal Mail
- Can Relax Now....
- Maya Wrap & Vesper Yarn
- Cabbage Rolls
- Yummy Yummy Brunch
- Frogging & Gift Yarn!
- Jamie's Sock & The Yarn That Never Ends
- Birthday Shopping
- Taking Care of Business
- Swatch Night & Stanley Cup
- A Wedding, Father's Day & Birthday Celebration
- Girl's Night Out
- A Quarter of a Century
- Last Day of Being Age 24
- No Knitting Today
- Socks Done!
- School Stuff, Long Day
- Bridal Shower Fun & Sock Surgery
- Knitting Guild & Maternity Clothes Galore!
- My Socketta Socks
- Every Day is a Long Day These Days
- Honeymoon Plans
- Patio Set Arrived!
- Socks & Clapotis
- Movie, TV & Knitting
- La Bobineuse de Laine
- Weird Coincidence!
- I've been knitting!
- Happy June!!!
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