Here is my charity knitting started: It's a baby blanket, for the Montreal Knitting Guild. The winner of the best blanket (?) (I'm not too sure how they are picking the winner) will get to choose which Charity they want the blankets donated to: (the boring thing about this blanket is that it is done completely in garter rows and it's a little boring. I find that anything that is just plain and simple garter stitching - no purling - and no shaping - to me - is not "real" knitting. It's boring too - lol... (On a side note - I know of this girl who knits everything in just knit stitch, and just in rectangles or squares - that's all she can do - and in my opinion, it's not real knitting - (it's actually kinda funny) anyone can do the same motion over and over again - you know?) A knitter is someone who can knit/purl/shape and make things are turn into something.... And to me - this knitting. Anyhow, this blanket is for charity, and the yarn came with the pattern to do, so that's why I'm doing it! Mindless knitting....

Some awesome smelling bath stuff (in my absolutely FAVE scents (peach & watermelon)), some fuzzy peach lotion form the body shop, some sugar-free cookies and brownies, as well as GUM! (I've been craving gum like mad lately - so it's perfect!)

I received this really cute elephant. I love and collect elephants,
but I think this one will go in the baby's room. (It's actually a piggy bank).

A homemade knitted sweater, by my secret pal! I think it's for about a 6 month old. I also go the pattern for it, and buttons to make my own (buttons are below):

THANK YOU THANK YOU Secret Pal! This was awesome.
I am ready to turn the heel on Jamie's socks - but I've put those down for a few days just to work on the charity blanket. I kinda of wanted to have a change of colour for a while, so I will go back to Jamie's socks soon. Also - I've got to finish up on Clapotis!!
Today was an awesome day off. I got some work done on my sewing machine (VERY IMPRESSED WITH MYSELF) and I got an article sewn for my birthday package for Cynthia (pictures will come once she receives the awesome package!) I took care of some over due laundry, and just chilled at home today. That was really nice.
Now, this dance I find funny. Check it out here.
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