In the 8th month, your child should be able to...
- Bear some weight on legs when held upright (CHECK)
- Feed self a cracker (He ate a Mum Cookie so CHECK)
- Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other (CHECK)
- Rake a raisin and pick it up in fist (I've seen them go after Sean's Goldfish crumbs, so CHECK)
- Turn in the direction of a voice (CHECK)
- Look for a dropped object (CHECK)
... will probably be able to....
- Stand holding on to someone or something (CHECK)
- Object if you try to take a toy away (OH YES...CHECK)
- Work to get a toy out of reach (CHECK and always succeeds)
- Play Peekaboo (Likes it when we play it, doesn't do it himself yet)
- Get into a sitting position from stomach (CHECK) (Reminder, lower crib by weekend)
... may possibly be able to...
- Pull up to standing position from sitting (Not yet)
- Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger (Seen him do it Check!)
- Say mama or dada indiscriminately (He just said MAMA for the first time today! And Dada has been for a while now. Why is it always DADA first?)
... may even be able to...
- Play Patty-Cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye (Not yet)
- Walk holding on to furniture (thank heavens not yet!)
- Stand alone momentarily (not yet)
- Understand the world NO (but not always obey it) (Not yet)
- Bear some weight on legs when held upright (CHECK)
- Feed self a cracker (He ate a Mum Cookie so CHECK)
- Pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other (CHECK)
- Rake a raisin and pick it up in fist (I've seen them go after Sean's Goldfish crumbs, so CHECK)
- Turn in the direction of a voice (CHECK)
- Look for a dropped object (CHECK)
... will probably be able to....
- Stand holding on to someone or something (CHECK)
- Object if you try to take a toy away (OH YES...CHECK)
- Work to get a toy out of reach (CHECK and always succeeds)
- Play Peekaboo (Likes it when we play it, doesn't do it himself yet)
- Get into a sitting position from stomach (CHECK) (Reminder, lower crib by weekend)
... may possibly be able to...
- Pull up to standing position from sitting (Not yet)
- Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger (Seen him do it Check!)
- Say mama or dada indiscriminately (He just said MAMA for the first time today! And Dada has been for a while now. Why is it always DADA first?)
... may even be able to...
- Play Patty-Cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye (Not yet)
- Walk holding on to furniture (thank heavens not yet!)
- Stand alone momentarily (not yet)
- Understand the world NO (but not always obey it) (Not yet)
I received my copy of HandKnit Heroes in the mail today. I really ordered it for the POW pattern in it, it's the only place right now that pattern is available. (Though, it's probably a pattern I could have figured out on my own, looking at it), but I also wanted to check out the comic. I've never really been into comics (unless you count Archie). I'll let you know how this one is. (Whenever it is that I find the time to read it).
Yesterday when I was at the post office, this lady saw the amount of parcels that I was mailing and started asking me questions. She first asked if I sold on ebay, I told her no. She then asked me what I sold online, and I told her yarn and knitting accessories. She took it that I sold knitted items, and asked me what items I knit that I sold. I kept telling her that I sold knitting items, and she kept asking me if I'd make her cozies for her tables & chair feet so they wouldn't scratch her floor and if I'd knit her dishcloths. Anyhow, she even told me she'd pay me, but I honestly don't have the time to do so. Then she asked me about my website, and how I built it. She asked me if she paid me, could I design one for her. I told her I didn't do the shopping cart myself for my site, I'm not a web programmer, but I bought a shopping cart software and it's super easy to use. She told me she sold furniture and wanted to sell it online (I kept thinking in my head, good luck with getting people to pay for shipping on furniture!) Anyhow, she asked if she had any questions about the shopping cart software (I gave her the site I bought it from) if she could call me. Without thinking, I said sure, no problem. I gave her my cell number. (Today I'm glad I didn't have any more business cards left on me, so she doesn't know who I am).
Oh my...
She saw that I had a baby with me at the post office yesterday (I had Mack with me) and didn't she think that maybe I was busy?? And that I'd call her back when I had the chance to? I got her first message... and now that she called that many times and has left that many messages, I don't think I'll be calling her back. Sounds a little coocoo to me...
Tonight was just a chill night at home, catching up on Chuck and Damages with Jamie, while knitting on the couch. Ah, a nice relaxing evening once the kids went to bed!
wow i still cant believe that crazy lady! Its insane!!
Mackie looks too cute in the picture of him in the sink!
Perhaps you could call her ONCE and let her know that you aren't all that available after all to help her. If not, she might keep on calling you.
Mr. Mack looks to be right on track with where he should be congrats on the perfect baby! ;)
Coocoo is right. Wow. Do stay away from her.
I'm so glad that Mack is progressing right on schedule.
yowza..wat a psycho lady! hopefully that'll be the last of her? ahhh, the pow pattern! That was the only one I liked in that comic too. I think I've seen another version of it though if I'm not mistaken.
that's a little weird...was this at Jean Coutu? I can relate about comics...they just don't interest me at all!
see you tomorrow at 11.
Should have giver her a phony number! lol
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