Thursday, December 21, 2006

Three Times' a Charm [500 Blog Posts!]

I went to my GP this morning. I have bronchitis. Again. Blech. I'm on antibiotics, it is NOT contagious, and it's only in the front of my lungs, not the back. What the heck does that mean?? Damn my lungs. I think after I give birth I'm going to hunt down a lung specialist. This is not normal, to get bronchitis THREE times in ONE YEAR. Especially since all three times have been after getting pregnant. (End of May 2006, End of September 2006 and now). In the past I've gotten bronchitis two times a year, It's been consistantly like that since 1999. I think it's about time I see a specialist. Is a lung specialist what I'm looking for? I don't know. I'm going to start asking around, and I'll speak to my doctor the next time I see him.

At the pharmacy filling my prescription I bought myself 1 trashy magazine, some face maks that feel soooo good on the face, as well as, some juice and my meds. I love reading trashy magazines once in a very blue moon. Being sick and feeling like crap, I figured today was a good day.

Look at these nasty nasty horse pills!

Upon getting back from the doctor (stopping on the way home to fill my prescription for Biaxin and Vitamin C, which I have to take twice a day for a week, exactly 12 hours apart), I came home, and started doing a few things on my computer. And then I lost internet and cable. Look what happened:

This cable that you see, is hanging off my house. It USED to be attached from pole to pole... giving my house internet (my tenants too lost cable/internet). Within 5 minutes of me getting off the phone with Videotron, and going outside and taking a picture of what fell down, a service guy showed up. That was fast. Especially when the guy on the phone told me it could be anytime between now (when I was on the phone with him) and 9pm. The last TWO times I've called for service, they've shown up immediately. This is now the third. I am VERY impressed with them. Maybe I'll write them a letter for their great service.

So, I have my calendars on my bookshelf in my office, ready to go. That's two 2007 calendars and one perpetual. All knitting:

I hope I never lose track of what day it is - LOL!

I signed up on to be notified when they are allowing customers to pre-order the next Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I believe it's the last book. I wonder when in 2007 it'll be released. That is a darn good question.

Today Jamie and I received a really nice gift from someone Jamie works with for Chanukah:

An awesome baby monitor. Now, I have no idea how good this one is, as I've never seen it before, but I do plan on taking it out of the box this weekend and testing it... hopefully it'll be good, to work in the basement while Sean's sleeping upstairs.

Private Connection™ Monitor with Dual Receivers
Product: : J2457
Ages: Birth & up

For parents who want their connection with baby to be as private as possible, this monitor gives you a choice of 10 channels to reduce the likelihood of someone picking up your transmissión. Plus, 900 MHz technology offers a more powerful signal, with excellent clarity and greater range than most nursery monitors.

So with sound lights, superior range and 10 channels, you get a closer, more private connection with your baby. And with rechargeable batteries, you’re also saving money! Includes dual receivers for added convenience. Includes two 3.6 volt V (3 X 1.2V) Rechargeable NiCd Battery Pack. Compatible charger power adaptor included.

I really want one of these two:

13 cupcake holder.

Or the 23 cup cake holder.

I saw them at Walmart the other day. But I don't make cupcakes. So why do I want this? I couldn't tell you? Can it work just the same for muffins? I make muffins. LOL.

Today I did a HUGE de-clutter in my office. I cleaned up (almost all) of my craft supplies (non-knitting related). I feel sooo good about this de-clutter. A lot of it was collage/scrapbooking stuff, that I just decided I am NOT going to use. I always feel great after a de-clutter, don't you?? I think it's part of my nesting. I'm sick with bronchitis, and I still am managing to clean!

My growing belly is moving my stretch marks up my belly (not too happy about that), and I've gone some around my still-innie belly button. It's very itchy as my son grows inside of me.

Tomorrow I look forward to my manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax in the afternoon. I am soooo darn excited. Ahhh - a foot massage! (My hubby hates feet - so no massage from him).

I was feeling too sick today to do belly shots for the start of my 38th week. I will get to those tomorrow - after my manicure! How's that!

I'm expecting a bunch of packages in the mail, and tomorrow is the last mail day before Xmas. Then, there is no mail on Monday (Christmas Day) and usually not the day after Christmas (Boxing Day, December 26th). So, there probably won't be any mail until Wednesday of next week - what a bummer. I hate holidays for that 1 reason. NO MAIL! And then the same thing will happen the week after, as well - with New Years' Day being on a Monday, there probably won't be any mail on the 1st or the 2nd. In the mail, I'm expecting:

- a package from my secret pal
- a package from knitswap (I traded a ball of yarn for a ball of yarn)
- 2 set of stitch markers from the swap I hosted
- a package from Raesha
- and the destash yarn I purchased (knit picks and regia)
- also my yarn from the destash swap that Patty hosted
- eventually, the sock blockers I ordered on ebay. (They only custom make them once you buy and pay, which I did - so I'll probably only get those in the new year) (But it's on my list of mail I'm waiting for!)

Alright, I'm coughing. I'm going to go take my meds and head to bed. Why do I feel like this is going to be a long weekend, since I have NOTHING to do, and I can't do much? :( We're not going anywhere for Christmas (even though we've been invited to parties and dinners and such) but Jamie and I are taking a quiet evening to ourselves. I hope it's nice.

This is my 500th blog post in a year and 2 months. Actually, I think I started this blog exactly a year and 2 months ago (Oct. 21st 2005 I think!) Wow, that's 1.36 posts per day. (Hee hee!)

ps - I made an earring sale last night (thank you Jennie!) and another stitch maker sale today (thanks Barb!). My Etsy shop is doing well - whether the orders be through there or through email or in person, this was such a good idea on my part - and it's keeping me busy!


maggiegracecreates said...

Robyn - so glad its going to be easier to keep up. The cupcake trees are also beautiful loaded with apples or oranges. ANd I have also use the frosted glass globe ornamnet on them for a center piece. Take the hanger part out and fill with water - use a couple of short stemmed flowers in each one. And right now I have mine loaded with Christmas ornaments. . I also have enough glass bowls that fit mine and and i have used them for various finger foods as well.

Wish I could take credit for all those ideas - but I have just picked them up and added them to my tricks. Mine has been a very versatile purchase.

Happy Holidays - As you light your candles this season - I know your blessing include this wonderful gift you are carrying.


Patty said...

Hello, Ms. R -

I think you just want the cupcakes themselves. I'm kidding! Well, not kidding for me, I know I'd like one about now. Or two. Or three. Or...darn PMS. Grrr.

I love Teresa's ideas of putting ornaments in them or fruit. I may have to rush out to our Walmart and see if they have this! That's really cool.

Barb said...

I hope your feeling better :) your card went in the mail last night :)

Raesha D said...

Oh man! I had bronchitis once and I thought I was going to die. I can't imagine having it for the third time! I hope you get over it quickly.

Congrats on your 500th post - that is awesome!!!!