Sean tried chicken puree that my mother-in-law made for him. I think the consistancy was a little too thick for him still. He's had stage 1 and stage 2 puree before, but nothing this thick. I think he almost gagged on it - he didn't know what to do with it. I am going to give it a few more weeks and try again. Maybe at the end of the month/next month. I also want to try giving him carrots again and see if his taste buds have changed. The last time, he shut his mouth, he didnt want anymore. I could also try mixing it in with his cereal. But even I think that sounds gross, so why should I make him eat that mixed?

For dinner tonight we tried a new restaurant. It was a complete disaster. I odered Penne whole wheat with Primavera sauce. When the food came, it was Angel Hair pasta with Primavera. Not what I ordered. The guy asked me if I really wanted whole wheat. I said yes. He said it would take 10-15 minutes longer to make. I said I'd wait. My family had their food already, but I didn't care. I had previously had a salad, which not everyone had, so I wasn't starving or anything. The pasta came back very Al Dente. It was disgusting. I sent it back again. The next time it came back, it was a little better, but it seems to me that they washed off the sauce, put those same noodles back into the pot, and boiled it longer. If I'm sick this week with a cold or anything, it's because they spat in my food. My meal was free, but that won't get me to go back there again. I definitely do not recommend Luinguini on the Trans Canada Highway in Kirkland. I won't be going back there ever again. Even if someone paid me to.
I still can not figure out what pattern to do for Jamie's socks. The yarn is variegated, and I don't know what would show up in the socks with all the colors going on. They're not wild colors or anything, but I am not sure how a pattern will show up with them. If anyone has any suggestions, please share!
Try Thuja from Knitty - made it for my dad with a slightly variagated and it left a nice texture. comfy too.
Ok, I know I'm a bit late with this bit of info but I'm behind on my blog-reading! Check out http://akaijen.typepad.com/jen_knits/no-pool-for-you-a-list-of.html for some great sock patterns for variegated yarns, I know I'm always looking for these too...
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