I finally found where I put What to Expect the First Year. I dug around to the 9 month chapter, and see where Sean is according to the book:
By the end of this month, your baby .... should be able to:
-work to get a toy out of reach (CHECK!)
-look for dropped object (CHECK! But depends on how badly he wants it)
... Will probably be able to:
- pull up to standing position from sitting (by 9.5 months) (CHECK!)
- get into a sitting position from stomach (by 9 1/3 months) (I don't know if I've seen him do this, but he can sit from crawling, so wouldn't that qualify?)
- object if you try to take a toy away (OH YES! You get an earful!)
- stand holding on to someone or something (he can stand holding on to just a loose pieces of your pants, he can walk the entire house holding onto the walls)
- pick up tiny objects with any part of thumb and finger (by 9 1/4 months) (He does this with Cheerios!)
- say mama or dada indiscriminately (YEP!)
- play peekaboo (He loves it and giggles!)
.... May possibly be able to:
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye (Clap yes, bye-bye is in progress!)
- walk holding onto furniture (Cruise) (Yep. The couch. The walls... he's mobile!)
- understand word "No" (but not always obey it) (OH YES! and cries if he doesn't like that you said no!)
.... May even be able to:
- "play ball" (roll ball back to you) (Not yet)
- drink from a cup independently (from a sippy cup yes, not yet from a "real cup")
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger
- stand alone momentarily (for 3 seconds max right now)
- stand alone well (we're waiting - any day now!)
- say one word other than mama or dada (I swear I heard him say CAT to the cat!)
Some knitting content!

Still just a few spots left in the Robyn's Nest October Sock Club. It's been selling the last few days, so make sure to order a kit before the Sunday night deadline! (Wow, I can't believe Monday is October!) The October Sock club will ship mid-October.
Off to go cast-on another blankie square.
Ah, Ferris Wheels... I'm soooo looking forward to being able to take the kids to La Ronde!
Hey, it's Regia Canadian Classic Colors, colourway Orion 4748. my very first sock yarn.
Sean is obviously a superstar. :)
I recognize some of my sock yarn in your blankie -- in fact, I'm wearing the socks right now that match square 24!
Where is the Ferris wheel?
i love ferris wheels too! :) great shot. congrats on getting your own exclusive colorway! Love the name too. :)
I want that yarn....
must resist must resist (just like I did with the sock club for Oct. Thanks so much!
I've seen some rave reviews on your shop on a couple blogs - thought you'd enjoy knowing that!
Sean is getting so big! I enjoy sitting and reading a bunch of posts at one time on your blog, so I really see Sean grow if I haven't stopped over in a bit.
I LOVE your signature colorway for your shop, I almost ordered it, i'm going too wait until the middle of the month and hope you have some left ;)
Sounds like Sean is way ahead of the game!! Congrats to you and him!
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