Friday, June 26, 2009

june twenty-six

This morning I went to the nutritionist and I started phase 2 of my stabilization. I'm now allowed an extra portion of protein and an extra portion of vegetables as well as an extra portion of dairy to my daily menu. I am doing very well with everything, and I'm even still at my goal weight! Which is amazing! I'm so super happy. I really want to lose a few more - but if it doesn't happen right away, I'm okay with that too. Hopefully by the end of the summer, I can knock off another 5-7 lbs. Here's to hoping!

I dropped off Mackenzie at my parents house, my mom babysat him today while I went into work. I don't usually work on Fridays but this week was a busy week, especially with a holiday smack in the middle of it, so today was the day my mom agreed to watch Mackenzie so I could go into work. It'll be so much easier once he starts daycare, whenever that is.

After work I dropped Sean off at my parents house, where Mack still was hanging out. Both of them had supper there tonight and are sleeping over. Woohoo! A night with no kids! (RARE!)

Mack is very clingy to either myself or my mother if my mother is around. If my mother is around, he'll barely come over to me! He'll ask for her to hold him (wiggling his way out of my arms!)

Before I left my parents house this evening to head home, I found Sean in his fave spot. In front of my parents tv in the basement playing the Wii. (Boxing). The kid is obsessed.

Tonight we had an ex-coworker of Jamie's over for dinner, who is going through a divorce. We also had two other of his ex-coworkers over - as the 4 of them were friends when they were all working at the same place (only 1 still works there) and all kept in touch after going their separate ways from that job. We were going to enjoy the backyard for once, since it was finally cleaned up on Wednesday while I was in Ottawa (Jamie did a fantastic job!) and just our luck - it rained while we were about to go eat, so we decided to eat inside instead. What a bummer! We had good conversation, some good wine, and it was a nice evening all around. Especially since we didn't have any of the kids at home!

I have some new stuff being listed into the shop tomorrow - stay tuned!


Dawn said...

I love the pic of sean playing wii boxing. My 5yo is really into the playstation right now so the wii just sits there.

Amelah said...

Sean is too tennis!!1 Pick one!!!

Bea said...

At least Wii boxing is somewhat more athletic then other video games.

Knit Girl said...

I hope your son won against the Wii!

Tara said...

I LOVE boxing on the Wii. I never thought to let the kids try it though. I wonder if Émilie would like it...

g-girl said...

that is so cute that sean plays wii boxing!! i think it's sweet that mack is clingy to your mom. :)too bad you didn't get to enjoy the backyard. :(