Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today I finished reading The Yoga Mamas by Katherine Stewart. It was a book that was recommended to me by my Step-Mother-In-Law and I really enjoyed it. It's kind of like Sex In the City of Pregnant ladies. The main character is an unemployed ad writer, her husband an academic. They don't match the lifestyle and status of the other ladies she meets at the fancy Yoga Class she takes (courtesy of her insurance). But the ladies bond and connect over their bulging bellies and ooh and ahh over silly expensive strollers and exotic name brand face products and spas. And of course there are the coveted pre-schools for kids not yet born. Each mamma has her own problem with the father of the child, even the most in-love couples (dad just not pulling his weight). But then there are the affairs, the lies and subsequent discoveries. Ah… chick lit. Love it.

Now, to figure out what I’m going to read next. I have a few books that are screaming out “read-me-now” I just need to figure out which one I’ll actually crack open.

Looks like there is a continuation to The Yoga Mamas called Class Mothers. I’ll see if I can get my hands on it. From the write-up, it looks like it’s the same main character.

Today Jamie & I did some gardening in the backyard. We started to weed the garden (where my vegetable garden is), and got done about just over three quarters of it before it started to rain. We discovered a bunny rabbit living in our backyard as well. He seems to prefer hiding out under the slide.


He’s really cute and all – reminds me a little bit of Buster, the rabbit I had while growing up – however, we’re going to have problems. He’s living in my backyard (Jamie said he’s seen him around before and last year) and if he goes anywhere near my vegetable garden, we’re going to have some serious problems. I am not even sure what to do. Call public security? Will they then figure out whom to call? (Animal Control?) I don’t want anything bad to be done to him, but I don’t want him hanging out in my backyard all summer… If I didn’t have a vegetable garden, then I wouldn’t care. But I do. And I mean business.

I got bitten up rather badly on my left leg and foot. My foot is completely swollen. Gosh, I hate mosquitoes royally. I hate bugs of almost all kinds. If my body reacts like this all summer long, we’re going to have some serious problems. I am going to want to hibernate all summer and never leave the house. My blood must be so sweet to attract the mosquitoes. They’re on me as soon as I step out of the house. Jamie on the other hand – didn’t get bitten once today while we were out.

Tonight I was so burned out that I vegged on the couch and did some tv show catch-up. I worked on Multnomah, and got the entire first section done. I’m about the start the feather & fan border now. I was too tired tonight to continue on, so I just stopped there. I caught up on Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones and Law & Order : SVU. Did you hear that Law & Order (the original series) is ending? I haven’t watched the original series in years, but am glad to hear that SVU got renewed. Curious to see what the new series, Law & Order : Los Angeles is about – and who will be starring in it. Speaking of shows ending – I am super glad that Lost is ending shortly. I am so lost by Lost, I just want it to come together already, so that I can move on with my life. I swear, if the show weren’t ending in less than 2 weeks – I wouldn’t continue watching it. Sad that 24 is ending in a week, but you know what, it has had it’s run, and there is only so much Jack Bauer can do without dying or getting into more trouble himself.


Pinkmin said...

Next time you come to Toronto, bring that book with you ... I'd love to read it. We can do another book exchange!

Read up a bit about how to deter rabbits from the garden before you call in animal control ... I'm sure there are ways.

xo Mir

Cynthia F said...

Awww Mr Bunny is very cute! but they will eat all your veggies and anything else in their path!
You can always inquire at the SPCA, they often will come relocate bunnies-and if he's a boy they will probably neuter him in the process so no more babies- they did that at the park we went to in Mission last year....

Amelah said...

Interesting book, never heard of it before.

Cute bunny! :) Reminds me of Buster too! Catch him and keep him as a pet LOL!

me again said...

Mosquitoes love me too and here in Alabama, they are ALREADY swarming! Things I've tried - sprinkling cinammon around does seem to work (I've rubbed it on my legs and sprinkled it around the hot tub) whereas I don't have much luck with citronella candles. I just ordered some cinammon scented soap from an Etsy vendor and hope that'll help.

g-girl said...

i have to say that the bunny is cute. i know they're horrible when they are gardens involved but it is cute! good luck with figuring out how to get rid of it. yoga mamas sounds like it was a fun read. :)

Bea said...

Oh! The bunny is so cute. We have a lot of them around here (warrens everywhere in north Texas) but they don't bother us much. Mostly its just the dogs chasing them in the yard or barking at them through the windows. The bunnies are of course so much faster then the dogs. Can you protect the garden in some way?

Tara said...

Aw, a widdle bunny!!! I hear you on the veggie garden though... :(