Sunday, July 30, 2006

Letter Magnets, Homework & A Bigger Belly

This morning I got up and Jamie was taking care of Merlyn, so I got to get a lot of work done. I managed to get a big leap ahead in my project that is technically due tomorrow, but I technically can hand it in as late as Friday. I kinda wanted to have it almost done for tomorrow, so that I can get it out of the way, and get cracking on my assignment that is due on Thursday, and then after that's done, I can concentrate on my assignment due on Friday. So much going on this week, I feel there is sooo little time.

Jamie's mom and her wife came over this afternoon for lunch. Jamie BBQ'ed and I only had lunch with them, the rest of the time I was working on my assignment, and I did not feel anti-social and they understand that I only have TWO weeks of school left, and that all my final assignments are due this week, and that I have finals the week after. Ahhhh!
Today, I took some more pictures of my belly bump! It's REALLY getting big fast! I can't believe it! Before, there was NOTHING, and now... there's something!
Don't you just love that belly. I can't believe I am almost half way through my pregnancy! Almost 18 of 40 weeks. Just about half! Time flies!

I love my belly bump!

Today I was playing with letter magnets. I love letter magnets. I actually went out today for 15 minutes when I was at the point of frustration with Quark Xpress, the software I've been using for MOST of my final projects, and just needed a break, so I went out to this shop around the corner from my house, and picked up some more letter magnets.

Oh, Jamie and I decided on a boy's name, and a girl's name (which the girl's name has been decided on for months.... it was the boy's name that I couldn't decide on - as I had decided that I didn't like ANY boys names but Zachary, but Jamie didn't want a girl and a boy with both the letter Z.....) So.... drum roll please... here are our two names (first name and middle name) that we have decided on!

Sean (which has grown on me), and Zoey, are not named after anyone. The two middle names, are Edward for Jamie's late grandfather Edward and Rose after Jamie's late grandmother (on the other side of the family), Rose. Rose can also be after my grandmother's sister Rachel who passed away in a concentration camp during the war. I didn't like any H names, not boy's nor girl's after my late grandfather Hymie.... which is unfortunate, and I have all the rest of my grandparents still alive and relatively healthy, so, in the Jewish "Faith" we don't name babies after people whom are still alive. It's bad luck or something.

We'll have to see on August 17th, if I'm having a Sean or a Zoey! I can't wait for my ultra sound!

I couldn't stop at just names on the front of our fridge... on the side, I wrote a little note to my hubby...

Well, it's late.... Jamie and I just watched Big Brother, and he's been asleep for a while. I am *THIS* close to untangling the Neopolitan coloured yarn, and want to finish that before going to bed. (I've put about 3-4 hours of untangling time into ungtangling this yarn! I'm determined to get it done tonight). I know I have to get up SUPER early tomorrow, but I'll be okay. TWO more Monday classes and I'm DONE with 8 am classes! WOOHOO!

I sense this week is going to be a LONG LONG week, so I'm going to take a deep breath, and take it one day at a time....

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