I hate mosquitos. I really hate them. I have three nasty bites between two arms and they make me want to rip my skin off. That's the only thing I hate about summer. I love that I have a gorgeous tan right now, and I think I will be able to maintain it if I just go swimming at least once a week outdoors! I love that my freckles on my shoulders come out in the summer.
Today, out of the blue, the guy showed up to pave our driveway. We'd been wanting to level out the driveway for quite some time, on our side of the driveway. You see, Jamie & my father built a ramp out of wood so that we can drive into the garage. It wasn't level when we bought the house, and without the ramp, the bottom of the car will scrape, if it will even be able to drive in. Anyhow, the ramp was make-shift, and it was about time the asphalt guy showed up. While doing our side of the driveway by our garage, the Rabbi next door asked him once finished to do his side. He had his sewer area fixed, but not the pavement, and I guess since they were here to do ours, he figured he'd get his done. Now, you see, old asphalt is grey. New asphalt it black. So now there is a difference in our driveway. The owner of the asphalt company asked us, since he did both sides, if we want them to do a coating over the rest of the driveway, so it's all one color. I said yes, as long as the Rabbi is okay with it (because he's going to split the cost, of course). The work on the Rabbi's side took too long tonight, so he's coming back tomorrow to finish on the Rabbi's side, and then discuss with him if he wants them to finish the driveway with the coating to make it all one color. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
I'm kind of happy that now all the "fixer up" things around the house/outside the house, are getting done. It's starting to make our house feel more like "home", even though I want to move to the suburbs closer to my parents, and with my own driveway, central air, big windows, more than 1 bathroom, and the list continues... I am glad now that we can start using our house properly and not have "make-shift" objects to get by....! I really wish I had central air though... I'm dying of heat here people! Yes we have an A/C unit in our bedroom, fans in Sean's room and in the den (but that one seems to be working no purpose), and our basement is cooler than the upstairs, but... it's deadly. I need it to rain, so that it will cool off!
I just checked The Weather Network. They're calling for rain on Saturday. Good but not good. I don't want rain on my birthday! Also, we have the family day at Jamie's baseball game at the park. Then we have a BBQ with our step-family...! Rain is not good for that day. But good, because I need to get rid of the heat for a bit!
I've finally uploaded that last week's worth of pictures into my FLICKR account. So all the photos from Toronto are there! Go on, take a look.
I'm also very excited to receive my STR in medium weight for the Chevron Scarf KAL that I started. I can't believe one didn't exist before! There are a few members whom have joined already, very exciting!
I've been working on stitch markers today for the swap that I host as well, and some stitch markers went in the mail for a recent Etsy order that I got. The stitch markers for my exchange need to be in the mail by Saturday, June 16th, so I've got to finish those up tomorrow.
you are too tempting with the Chevron KAL!!! i'll join, I've been wanting too make this for awhile, I borrowed the book from the library so i'll copy the pattern and choose my yarn once I sign up :)
you are a professional photographer? Crap. I just hired someone to take pictures of my markers for a brochure and for my website! I could have hired you!
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