I also got my Yarn Odity in the mail today, purchased with earnings from Paypal from Etsy orders a while back. "Wrong 'Em Boyo is now called Get Real. I just LOVE the colors.

For Lotus Knit's contest, I'm supposed to a) talk about a finished object on my blog or b) talk about my next in queue project. I'll have an FO picture for you tomorrow (since taking this picture above of my Calorimetry I'm almost done it, and it will be done once I finish blogging), but for tonight, I'll talk about my queue project(s). Next up... is Jaywalkers (will wind cake of Opal tomorrow....! I'm making them in the same color as my friend Angela, so we have the same pair of socks - and yes, they're a PURPLE-Y color.... can you believe it?? I said PURPLE!) Also, in queue, is my chevron scarf, which I will start as soon as I get the yarn in the mail that I got for my birthday from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. So, there you have it, 2 projects "en queue" and check back tomorrow for an FO! Anyhow, if you enter her contest, PLEASE mention my name! Thanks!
For my little challenge I posted about yesterday, I'm going to finish finding my 10 items, that I bought and never used. It can't be something someone else got for you. It has to be 10 items you've bought, and never used, and the price tag/sticker should still be on it! Anyone else doing this fun scavenger hunt with me? I think it's a great fun little idea. I've found 3 items so far. I'm not telling you what they are just yet, until I've collected all 10 of them. So hopefully that will be tomorrow.

While out at Zellers today, I saw this shirt. I thought it was just too funny. It's the french Tete-A-Claques Willi Waller 2006. If Jamie wore green, I'd get him this tshirt when my month of Not Buying It is over next week. I went to Zellers today, with a birthday gift card, a credit note that I had from a return of Sean's stuff from a previous purchase that had no bill, I think, or something to that effect, and also, a credit note that Jamie had to there as well. I went in mind to replace my bathroom hand towels (a complete new wardrobe of hand towels) and bought some, and also spent the rest on Sean. Oh, and I got garbage bags, which were much needed. Apparently we go through a lot of trash. And to be honest, I'm sure a lot of it can be recycled. I keep meaning to go to the Eco Center a few blocks away from my house (I think that's what they're called) and pick up a recycling box. And then I can recycle the newspaper that Jamie reads every morning, milk & juice containers, and the flyers that come in the mail, and mail can be recycled too, once done with it (envelopes, etc)... I could be more "green". I just need to find the time (which I do have, I just have to learn how to manage it) and get there to get one!
So, now I'm left with a towel decision. I don't know which towels to go with? I bought two of each, and these are the ones I'm not sure about. Your advice would help! (There are a few sets I decided I am definitely keeping, so those I'm not going to post today)... They were all on sale, which makes me happy.

Now, don't forget I have two of each kind, they won't be displayed like this. Do you think I should keep both the solid & the striped for both the green & the blues? My bathroom is mint green (ew) tiles, and cream paint on the wall above the tiles (like the cream paint on the vent below the towels).

The other sets of towels I got were Alfred Sung (on sale!) and one set is charcoal grey, a very nice shade, and the other is brown. They both go in the bathroom nicely, I think. Because of the "earth tones" of my bathroom. I feel that cream & mint green are earthy shades.
And I know you're looking for your daily dose of smile. This kid just giggles and laughs all day. Just need a lifter upper? Come see Sean. He'll turn your frown upside down, and make you giggle with him. And his little giggle, it's the cutest sounding thing ever. I'll have to capture it on film.
Sean was hanging out with me tonight in my office, while I was doing some Etsy stuff. I have a TON of new stuff coming out this weekend in my shop. I worked on it for numerous hours today. I really like what I have created. I'll announce when my shop has been updated. Sean needed a break from playing in his exersaucer, so he came and sat with me at my desk.
Yep, that's some stitch makers in the making on the white sheet on my desk. I'll let you know as soon as they're posted! Promise..

Tomorrow Jamie's helping one of my siblings move to their new home. I can't wait to go see it. I'll wait until they are all moved in, of course. I'm staying out of the way, because I'm useless when it comes to moving. (That's my excuse). Plus, who will take care of Sean, if I'm helping out too? Hee hee. Anyhow, I'm going to the South Shore tomorrow, to hang out with Angela. She's taking me to the bead shop near here, so I can spend my can recycling money that I got the other day. There are a few items I need for my Etsy Shop orders. It's not even for myself! Promise. I also need to do a return at Zellers, and get a credit on something I bought for Sean today, which actually goes on sale tomorrow, so I'll get them to price match. I just bought it today (with my gift card) to make sure that I was guaranteed to have one. I don't know if the location I'm going to tomorrow will have it in stock... but they have to price match if any of their items go on sale within 2 weeks of my purchase, so it works out. And also, baby jarred food was on sale there, (Walmart sells it for .89 cents, Zellers regular price is .67 cents and it was on sale for .45 cents this week), so I'll stock up on some more baby food, until I figure out how to make my own. (I had a book on how-to, just got to find time to read it and try it out!) (Soon!).
Tomorrow night we have a suprise birthday dinner for one of Jamie's friends. It'll be nice to hang out with some friends, and they want us to bring Sean. I think it'll be fun!
ok i am now jealouse of you!!!! i love your yarn oddity!!!!!!!! i need it more then i may need to breath this weekend! ok so i am a sucker for green sock yarn if you haven't figured that out.
As for the towels i am also going to go with the green. i am a huge fan of green what can i say?
I prefer the blue towels personally, but for your bathroom, I'd go with green. They add accent and sort of tie everything together, where the blue might be distracting.
Thanks for joining the contest! You definitely got a lot of swag this week!!
I'm back!!
Wow, you got more awesome mail! I bet that popcorn was delicious - it sure looks it!
As for the towels, I think I like the solid green one best...but with the blue, I like the one with stripes. Goodnes, you can always use towels, and since they were inexpensive, I vote for keeping them all ;o)
Can't wait to see the additions to your etsy shop!
I'll definately be posting a pic of the children's socks that I'm making with the yarn you dyed. So far the first sock looks great!
I agree with kayt-the green all the way. The neon-ish blue one doesn't seem to go with your mint green tiling. The stripey towels seem to go best-I guess because their colors are more subdued.
oh man... it is SO EXCITING to see my yarn in your blog! i believe that you might be the very first person to recieve yours. i'm bouncing up and down over here!
and thank you thank you for stitch markers and earrings... as soon as i buy batteries (tomorrow after work) i'll be posting pics and thank yous for everyone in the blog. i am in stitch marker heaven!!!
awww shelley was right,your little guy is gorgeous!
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