It was inside this above plastic from Canada Post. There was supposed to be stitch markers in there. And I've been in AWE of the stitch markers that Sulah makes, so I was very disappointed to see this in the mail this morning. The notepad she sent arrived but badly damaged, and the pen that was with it was "smushed" flat. Sulah reassures me that she's sending out new stitch markers. Thank you Sulah - I can't wait.

And Robin also makes handmade soap, and sent me some of her very own handmade stuff. It smells soooo delicious. Thank you!

Jenn gave me a gift certificate to the LYS by her for my birthday, thank you Jenn! I know exactly what I'm getting (stay tuned!) Speaking of LYS' - I went to the new one by me today to exchange the 2nd ball of Love It by Berroco that I got, and she was "closed" for lunch. Apparently closes between 11:15 am-1pm everyday. I wish she'd told me this on the phone when I called first thing in the morning, I wouldn't have showed up at 12:05pm, paid for parking, and then find out she wasn't there. I wasn't sitting there for 55 minutes, yeah right. So, I'll go back tomorrow, ugh!

Ok, so I found my 10 items with tags still on it, and I'll be using them. Here they are:

2. Gap Purse (underneath everything) bought on ebay
3. Blue hair elastics
4. Cement Glue
5. 5 pack of black socks
6. Pair of earrings
7. Green Shawl bought in Portugal
8. Two sheep rubber stamps
9. Mannequin the movie (Kim Cattrall!) I can't wait to watch it.
10. Champion Shoes (below)

Since they all still have the tags on them, I will be taking them off and using them this week. I'll let you know how it goes. (Today I wore the Champion Shoes & broke them in!)
Other than that, nothing much else is going on. Too hot to knit, so Jamie & I sat in our air conditioned bedroom and watched two episodes of Entourage (HBO) from the last two weeks. I was supposed to have a "date" night with him tonight, but a friend got stuck in the city with no where to go, so he came over, and I took my time not rushing home from my parents, where we had BBQ for dinner, swam in my parents pool, and my parents ended up ordering Sean both the booster seat, and a wagon on airmiles. Anyone have that wagon? Like it?
Magic Erasers are soon to be your best friend. Even though I have confined crayons to one room of the house. and Maggie never has them with out me in the room... I still find random pieces of art. Just a heads up magic erasers do not work on the tv. use windex there.
The wagon link didn't work on my computer:( My friend has that booster and LOVES it!! I want one like that to bring camping with us this summer! Pretty easy to clean up!
You got all kinds of goodies today! That is too bad about the package. Good that she is sending some replacements to you. Super nice of her:)
Mannequin was my favourite movie when I was a kid! I think I watched it 15 times!
I love the wrapper on that candy bar too - so cute! What's with the yarn shop "siesta"? You do NOT look happy in that picture at all...too serious.
Look at all that awesome loot! Love all those stitch markers! What is the stitch marker exchange that you run?
Oh my goodness..what a cute chocolate bar wrapper!
Such a shame about the damaged packaged. How wonderful that she is resending some stitch markers for you!
Sean and his cousin look so adorable - just wait til they get a little older and can get into tons of trouble together, LOL!
another great mail day! love the yarn you received from marga! oh no..that sucks about what happened with sulah's package to you. :( the earrings you made are cool!
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