Tonight we tried a bath for Sean sitting up, now that he's sitting. I let him play a bit with the toys in the bath, (made sure ducky was covering his wee wee for this picture!) and then took the toys out when I was ready to wash him. I had to put the mesh thing back in to wash him, because he's still not 100% sitting without falling over. He's good at sitting, for a long period of time, but I wasn't chancing him wobbling over in the bath.

Summer Knitty is out. I like Unmentionables. I also like Sweet Pea. Ironically I just got the yarn for Sweet Pea. Maybe I won't be making a shawl after all?
My mom is coming over tomorrow. Not sure what else is going on, but I have stuff I want to take care of, since she'll be hanging out with Sean. It's goddamn hot in my house. On my list for my next house: Central Air! I miss that from when I used to live with my parents. I'm starting to hate the heat! I'm not a summer person, can you tell?
I got an invite to a friend's wedding today in Toronto this upcoming August. I don't know if we are going to go. Jamie really doesn't like Toronto, and he hates going to weddings of people he doesn't know. This is a friend of mine, she did come into Montreal for my wedding. Also, it's not a long weekend, it's the weekend before labor day weekend. Jamie has to work Monday, and it's a Sunday night (jewish) wedding. Monday is the busiest day of his work week, the one day he chooses not to miss. He can miss any other day of the week, but Monday's - even if sick, he'll go into work. I know what I'm getting her as a wedding gift, I just don't think I will be attending. For some reason, I really don't want to go either. We'll see. I'll just mail her the wedding gift. I'm also not travelling alone for the wedding, I just can't do it alone with Sean. He'll be 8 months old by then, but he's still 100% dependant on me, and I can't drive with him in the backseat, not being able to see him, or give him a pacifier, or a bottle or anything, while driving and being the only person in the car. Plus, we're already going to Toronto (possibly) the following weekend for a huge party that my step-brother-in-law is throwing in Mississauga. But we'll see on that too. I don't think Jamie wants to go 2 weekends in a row. That's for sure. And Labor day weekend with close family is more important to him than someone's wedding he doesn't know. It's weird that I don't feel bad about this decision. I'm going to wait before sending in my reply card, I do have until the end of July to mail it off.... but I hope she doesn't hate me for not attending.
I also got my issue of Knit.1 magazine in the mail today. But still no sign of my Interweave Knits! And no sign of my Ravelry invite....! Getting so jealous here!
Not Buying It ReportL
Money Spent:
125$ at Loblaws on Groceries
30$ on a hat for my father for father's day from ebay
Bidding on 2 other hat's for my father for father's day
- When deciding to do this NOT BUYING IT (except for food or medicine) I forgot father's day was in the middle of the month. I need to get something also for my father-in-law (already know what to get him)... However, for the gift for my dad, I'm splitting the final cost with my brother & sister, so it won't be entirely out of my pocket, and I used funds already in my paypal account, so I didn't actually spend any money, I spent money I made from selling Etsy stuff from my shop. I can't not give them a father's day gift! Jamie's not getting anything, because he didn't do anything for me, and the "married socks" I made him, are technically his father's day gift... He loves them, so that's what matters. Perhaps Sean will make him a father's day card (with my help of course!)
No knitting was done today. Maybe tomorrow.
I loved the turtle sandbox! I had one as a kid. You might check walmart. I just saw them at my walmart the other day. Something else that might be an option if they don't carry it - a lot of stores have a free "ship to store" option so if you ordered it through walmart's website you might could do that and not have to pay shipping! It's worth looking in to anyway. Good luck!
right after I posted the above comment I went to the walmart website and found this page: http://www.walmart.com/sitetostore
check it out and see if they include Canada!
Can you re-send me your address? I don't remember seeing it yet and I can't find it in my inbox anywhere. I'm trying to get my packages sent out and your is the only address I don't yet have.
Thanks a bundle, and congrats again!
Happy knitting-
I know there is always something that comes up like Father's Day when you are trying not to spend money, but from what I've read you are doing great! I want to try not spending in July but there are two birthdays.... Maybe I'll do a no-spend July birthdays excepted?
BTW the picture of Sean laughing makes me happy - he's adorable.
Those pictures of Sean are so adorable. He looks like he is a happy little boy.
I LOVE those pictures of Sean cracking up! He's such a funny little man with all those smiles and giggles! You're really good for doing this not buying anything thing! **Go Robyn!**
I didn't know you had an Etsy shop. The personalized stitch markers are wonderful. I have to go back now and order some....
He is such a happy, happy boy! I like the placement of the rubber ducky - very strategic! Good luck in the turtle search.
I cant believe how good he sits up. COME ON BURGER!! Taite needs to sit up :-)
such a great shot of Sean!!
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