Just look at the mess. This is a mess from 7 years of no maintenance. That's 2 years of us living here (until we found someone to do it), and also, 5 years of the man who lived here before us, he maintained it for 25 of the 30 years he lived here, and then the last 5 before selling, he just neglected it.
I have a really tiny backyard, but it's cute. I do have a stone patio area that you don't see in this photo. My backyard ends where the bushes are. (The grey thing beyond the bushes is my neighbor's BBQ covered - I actually met them today for the first time ever! They came over to the bushes to say hello & meet Sean. Now that I can actually access my lawn, I chatted with them! They fell in love with Sean!)
Here is the men at work. Moving out stuff that is garbage. There was a lot of broken stones, etc.

And when I got home this evening from my parents house, I had a backyard. With grass! It looks like patches right now, but it will look like grass once it all "mends" together. We have to water it for 3 hours straight per night for 2 weeks. Jamie's in charge of that. We have a sprinkler, which I think that if it gets too hot, I'll be running through it! We had an area put down with stone blocks (not what you see above - that's the work Jamie did last summer), but next to it, where I can put a sandbox or baby pool for Sean. This way, we can leave it out, and it won't destroy the grass! I can't believe I actually have a backyard! I can't wait for Sean to be able to play in our backyard!
Fire on the Mountain & Black Onyx. Part of my birthday present from Jamie, for the Chevron Scarf. I'm getting them in Medium Weight. What do you think of my choice in colors?

- Credit for a return to the Baie of about 15$ and change refunded to HBC Credit Card (whatever 13.99$ plus taxes equals to)
After today's little splurge at the general store, I will be EXCELLENT the rest of the month. I blame it on my birthday.
ps- I'm now 19 lbs down since the beginning of March. Why is it soooo much easier to lose weight in the summer months? Now that I'm losing a considerable amount of weight, I need a new bathing suit. However, that will wait til July, when I'm done with Not Buying It...! (It's hard!) (Really quite the challenge!) (Besides my little splurge today, I've been REALLY good!)
pps- To my SP10 Group - Friday is your last day to flash your stash, to be entered to win a prize!
pps- It's too damn hot to knit.

And when I got home this evening from my parents house, I had a backyard. With grass! It looks like patches right now, but it will look like grass once it all "mends" together. We have to water it for 3 hours straight per night for 2 weeks. Jamie's in charge of that. We have a sprinkler, which I think that if it gets too hot, I'll be running through it! We had an area put down with stone blocks (not what you see above - that's the work Jamie did last summer), but next to it, where I can put a sandbox or baby pool for Sean. This way, we can leave it out, and it won't destroy the grass! I can't believe I actually have a backyard! I can't wait for Sean to be able to play in our backyard!

Finally - my Interweave Knits Summer 2007 arrived in the mail! Weekend reading!

I also received a wonderful little birthday package from Rhoda in the mail. Thank you Rhoda.
So now I'm on Ravelry, but I haven't had time to do anything but set up my profile, and add a few friends. I will sit down soon and start adding projects and stash, and needles. I promise!
I had two returns to do today (Baie & Toys R US) and also went to Chapters to pick out some books with a gift card I got for my birthday. I managed to get 5 novels for 23$. Wow. They were all on sale, and with my Chapters card, I got an additional 10% off. I got some books I'd never heard of before, but that looked interesting, and some titles I'd heard of before and wanted to read. I have just a few more chapters to go in Knitting Under the Influence. I'm liking it a bit better now, but it's still not that great of a read. We'll see what happens when I finish it, if my opinion changes. I have a ton of books I want to read this summer. The summer hasn't even begun yet. (Next week!)
Not Spending It Report:
Money Spent:
- Credit for a return to the Baie of about 15$ and change refunded to HBC Credit Card (whatever 13.99$ plus taxes equals to)
- Credit of 23$ and change from Toys R Us refunded to MasterCard (Whatever 19.99$ plus taxes equals to)
- 23$ gift card at Chapters (gift!)
- $26 at a General Type Store. Ok, I cheated. But it's my birthday on Saturday. I wanted something from the craft supplies section, I needed some Father's Day cards (they had cute ones!) and also, I got some ice cream dishes (so cute!) for when we have guests over and we have snacks or desert, and also, a table cloth for poker night (last one ripped) and a table cloth for our outside table, so we can start BBQing and eating outside! I spent cash, so it won't be on my credit card.
After today's little splurge at the general store, I will be EXCELLENT the rest of the month. I blame it on my birthday.
ps- I'm now 19 lbs down since the beginning of March. Why is it soooo much easier to lose weight in the summer months? Now that I'm losing a considerable amount of weight, I need a new bathing suit. However, that will wait til July, when I'm done with Not Buying It...! (It's hard!) (Really quite the challenge!) (Besides my little splurge today, I've been REALLY good!)
pps- To my SP10 Group - Friday is your last day to flash your stash, to be entered to win a prize!
pps- It's too damn hot to knit.
nope cancer, but being a cusp baby my mom says i am a gemini with my dad and cancer to her. :-P
His lil diaper looks so cute!!! you like it?
Oh and the shoes... adorable. Calebs feet were to darn fat to fit into ANY SHOES at the age. Seriously.. FAT FEET. When he began to walk we had to get him DOUBLE WIDE shoes.. hard to find. He still has fat feet to this day lol.. or wide.. sorry should say fat ;-)
Taites feet are much skinnier, they fit into all those cute shoes hehe.
your backyard looks great :) I think those 2 STR colors will make an excellent Chevron scarf :)
Congratulations on the new found backyard. The back yard looks perfect for your family. Very very nice.
Sean's feet are oh so cute.
The backyard should be a nice birthday gift!
i really like the entryway into your backyard too! It's going to be cute! I bet you're glad to have gotten it all taken care of now. :) cute pic of your dad and sean! :) his lil toes look so cute in his birkenstocks!
ack--forgot to say you're welcome for the bday goodies I sent your way. I was wondering when they'd arrive. And I think it's easier to lose weight in the summer because supposedly as the temperature rises, we eat less and that should explain why we eat more in the winter!
Great pictures:) Seans little toes are adorable!! I love baby toes and cute baby shoes!!!
Your backyard looks great! Sean will have a blast crawling aroud in that!! Our grass is so prickly that Lani will not touch it!! Someday we will rip it all out and start over. We have very sandy soil and need to have about 3 inches of loam spread!! That would be the hubby's job!! I love the entrance to your backyard!! It looks very european.
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