Tonight my in-laws came over for dinner and then I played poker again this week. I had bad luck this week (Unlike last week) and was the first out of the game. Thank goodness Jamie came in first place, so he made the money back that he spent on me that I lost (10$).
Tomorrow our new washer & dryer are being delivered from Sears. I can't wait. I'll take pictures, of course. I'm in the middle of finishing up some loads because the new washer can't use regular detergent, only H.E. (High Efficiency) detergent, because it suds less, and so I am using what I have for the loads I have to do. I do have 2 full bottles of detergent, I'm going to see if I can just exchange them at Walmart (I have the bill) apparently H.E. costs the same. Price is not my concern.... I do have 1 concern. Baby laundry detergent. I've never seen a high effiency baby laundry detergent?? I know Tide makes H.E. detergent, but it's for children/adults, not babies. Grr... what do I do? I have to call up Sears first thing in the morning and ask. This question/concern only started to dawn on me now.
I just did some research on the internet, and people are stating that they wash their baby's clothing in regular detergent, just frangrance-free. That's fine with me, I don't mind doing that. I'm assuming that I can get H.E. detergent, that is fragrance-free. And some people even just do a second rinse (which is an option on my new washing machine) with regular detergent, with no problems. Sean's already 6 months old, I'm not worried about this too much, I'm just curious. I don't really know how long I should be washing his clothing in baby detergent anyhow, and even the no-name brand I'm using (from Zellers Truly Brand), is still expensive. (19 loads (liquid) for $4.99 or $5.99 depending if it's on sale - compared to Ivory Snow which is 23 loads (powder) for like 8.99$. (I don't use powder anymore, I find it gross when it doesn't wash out completely). Anyhow, last sale on Tide for cold-water (since I wash everything cold-water) I got the huge jug, 48 loads (which usually lasts me longer, because I don't use a lot of soap, you don't need to follow their "lines to fill up to" (less soap is better apparently) for under 10$ a jug on sale at Walmart. (Usually I think they're like $12.96 a jug, I think it was on sale for $9.96 or something). Anyhow, anyone have any insight on front loading washing machines, with high efficiency laundry detergent for babies? Please do share if you know anything!
I finished reading Knitting Under the Influence today. I definitely do not recommend this book. What a waste of almost 400 pages and months of reading. (Yeah, I started it when we left New Jersey on the way home back in March!) I'm not usually this slow in reading books, I guess life with a baby will do that to your reading! I do plan on starting another book tonight, I'll let you know which one tomorrow. I haven't decided yet. Anyhow, the book was okay, enough to keep me reading it - I wanted to know how it turned out in the end, but I wouldn't read it again, that's for sure.

I'm jealous of your new washer and dryer!!!
YOu can use ALL free and clear and sean will be fine. All my children have very very sensitive skin and I use regular detergent. In my children, and even my husband, it's the softener and not the detergent that makes them have a rash!
SO I used ALL free and clear (and they have it H.E) until they were 1 and then I have used regular ALL and FREE dryer sheets. WWhen I switched dryer sheets a couple of months ago, my husband had a a rash ALL over his body. It was so bad that we had to take him to the doc!
I am so happy the socks fit. I had a great time spoiling you this round.
I will be signing up for the next round of SP.
Have a great long weekend.
What a great package that Tammy sent you! Isn't that too funny...you spoiled me, I spoiled Tammy, and Tammy spoiled you! She did a great job with the socks!
Love those cute little stitch markers. Is that part of your exchange?
How is Sean doing with the carrots? Does he like them any better?
As for the scarf pattern I "designed", I just basically took a cable stitch pattern that was in the book and expanded it to three rows and put a little edging around it (that I saw on another scarf pattern and liked). There wasn't much design by me...I still find that sort of tricky, lol.
What a lovely package! You don't have to use H.E. for your new washer. You just use a lot less soap. I have had my H.E. washer for about 5 years now and it works just fine with a small amount of regular Tide. When my boys were little I used Ivory Snow to wash their clothes. They both have terrible allergies. Enjoy your new washer and dryer. I am still totally in love with mine. In fact, I am off to switch loads right now. Thanks for being such a great hostess!
I didn't even know there were high efficiency laundry detergent! Wow. I didn't know that using less soap is better too--good to know!
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