Today I slept in as long as I possibly could, Jamie got up with Sean this morning. When Sean was ready for his morning nap, Jamie put him in bed with me. We then had Jamie's dad and step-mom over for brunch, and they brought us some goodies from Disney (Florida). I got a nice pink princess mug (with all of Disney's princesses on it) and Jamie got a Mickey mug. Sean got an 18 month size onesie, and a Mickey Mouse stuffed doll. He loves his new Mickey Mouse doll. Sean really got spoiled today because he got some 9 month size sleepers from my mom.
Today I put away all of Sean's 3-6 month size onesies. He probably could still fit into some of them, but I figured he does fit into all the 6 month size ones, (and 6-9 month too for some brands) so I put away the 3-6 month ones (for kid number 2) and am moving on in size. He's really growing fast!
Tomorrow I expect that registered letter in the mail, with the check for rent. As soon as I get it, I'm RUNNING to the bank to certify it. It's a must. I've got a million phone calls to make tomorrow to various companies, and to the guy who is going to do the repairs in the apartment upstairs.
3 more sleeps, 2 more full days until psycho lady is gone. Can you tell I'm very excited?
I'm in the middle of working on partners for the stitch marker exchange. If you missed sign ups for this round, the next one will take place in late summer. It's so much fun, and I'm addicted to stitch markers!
I'm hoping there is some good mail tomorrow... I love checking the mail in the morning, and it's been a week since it was me checking the mail. Jamie got to do it, while I was out of town last week. I'm a geek - what can I say? I enjoy checking the mail when the mailman comes! And lately, he's been ringing the bell to see Sean - since he gets a smile out of Sean when I bring him to the door. I honestly think sometimes he rings the bell just to say hello to Sean! (I don't mind!)
Day 3 of not spending money. Did spend 3.45$ on baby food. But food is allowed. (Food and medication if needed).
And my in-laws asked me what I'd like for my birthday today. I'm thinking maybe asking for spending money for the Yarn Shop Crawl for next Saturday for the TTC Knit in Public Day. That way, it's birthday money being spent, and not the budget that I allowed myself. That may be a better plan. I'm going to ask and see if that is a good enough birthday item!
I prepared myself to swatch for Sean's Cabled Pullover. I have to swatch in pattern, so I wrote it out, so it's legible for me to knit. It was too confusing with "this row do this and that row do that, and then the next row do something else... so I wrote it out, and I'm ready to go! (Tomorrow!) No knitting today... nap time was more important! (And getting laundry done!)
Yay, you're making him a handknit! Fun! He's really grown a lot, hasn't he? Wow. Peas, hmm? How fun are the diaper changes? =)
You may be biased, but Sean is cute :) Thanks for the post card! ....and congrats on getting your freedom from the crazy lady sooner than you thought - hope that letter came...
It really is amazing how fast they grow out of their clothes. Chloe is only 5 weeks and already is too big for newborn size and some of her gerber 0-3 mon onesies are too small also! Glad to hear that Sean is already grabbing that spoon for himself. He is so excited about eating, it is just adorable!
He loves his food it looks like :) What are you doing for Knit in Public Day? I am hopefully going to my LYS they are having prizes, drawings, new yarn samples etc...I'm still convincing Al too take the girls to his brother's for the day, I need some time away and I would LOVE too go to this :) can't wait too see Sean's pull-over it looked cute in the pic :)
Birthday money for Yarn? Be still my beating heart. I wish everyone who bought me presents would do that...Sean really is a cutie, and I can't wait to see who I get paired with for the exchange...(I'm anxious to start making my markers!)
It's great that he likes the green ones:) Most babies prefer the orange ones first!!
Hey --
Just saw a pic of you and your handsome little guy on the Yarn Harlot's blog!
= )
I wish there was a yarn shop crawl here! That sounds like fun, but expensive. Actually two of our yarn shops have closed very recently so the crawl would be limited to two shops! :)
oh, sean is a cutie! so he likes green beans? :) I wish my niece had gotten started on veggies instead of fruit!
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