I ran some errands this morning, picking up some items I needed. I went to the post office to mail some RAKs for Ravelry (for the Random Acts of Kindness group), I had made stitch markers over the weekend for about 8 people on Ravelry who had handmade stitch markers on their wishlist.

Mack went down for a nap just after 11 am this morning, and napped until just after 3pm. We were possibly going to go to playgroup today, but that didn't happen due to Mack's nap. It's too bad because it was at Jenn's house today. I honestly don't think we'll be going back to playgroup anymore, as it's right smack in the middle of Mack's nap time. Too bad. Now that Mack's doing the toddler nap, it's just not going to work. I think our playgroup days are over. We'll just have to make playdates with friends. So I stayed in and did work while Mack napped. I got a lot of stuff done.
Today I wore an old Barenaked Ladies tshirt that I haven't worn in years. It was not fitting for the longest time, when I had all the baby weight still on me, but now it's too big! Size Medium and too big! I love it! Though it's a cozy "baseball" style tshirt and I love it. I wonder what else is in the back of my closet that will fit again/be too big! I love it. I'm sure that I got that Barenaked Ladies tshirt at a concert that I went to... which was pre-Jamie... so over 7 years ago.
U & your notebooks!! Go digital woman!!!
Notebooks are fun. Naps for toddlers are really good even if they mess up play group. Congrats that your shirts are too big now!
Love that veggie grill basket. We might need to get one for the new cooker.
i like notebooks too..and i also write directions in them. though you'll only find one notebook in my purse. ;) that's awesome about your old shirt now being too big for you!!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I miss nap time!
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