Sean is 31 months old today. (2 years 7 months old)

This morning we had our music class outside. I'm not big on being outside in the sun, especially when I'm not dressed to be outside in the sun (wearing black, no hat), but luckily we were able to find a spot on the parachute (what we were using to sit outside on the grass) somewhat in the shade. Thank goodness it was only for 30 minutes and we got to go inside after for the rest of the class.

Mack and his new best friend loving bubble time.

After class I dropped Mackenzie off at my parents house and then worked from about 1pm - 5pm. Work went by very fast (as it usually does) and then by the time I knew it I was picking up Sean from daycare and Mack from my parents house and back at home, feeding them dinner and listening to Sean say every letter on his spoon from the Alphabet Pasta they were eating for supper tonight. Tonight I had to feed Mack, as pasta he is not allowed to feed himself yet (unless it doesn't have sauce on it). Pasta sauce + Mack = endless mess to clean up.

Tonight I had knit night, and we started out at Starbucks but ended up at Dunn's because Starbucks doesn't carry food anymore (yes, they still have cakes and stuff but no more sandwiches, etc). Some of us come from work/have no time to eat dinner before knit night, so we were getting food wherever we were going for knit night. So we went to Dunn's instead. What I like about Dunn's is the free refills on the soda. (Diet Pepsi is what they have, but that's okay. It's kinda grown on me, and I think I'm not 100% loyal to Diet Coke anymore, though Diet Coke is still my preference over Diet Pepsi). 0 Calories, 0 sugar, I like it.
As you can see above, I've been working on my Ishbel. I've been putting in a lifeline every other row on the Wrong Side. It's super easy for me to fish one in using my Knitpicks Option needles, as there is a tiny hole in the needle that I fish my lifeline into, and it pulls it through all the stitches for me. Perfect. No effort. Saves my knitting project! I hope to have a finished Ishbel very soon! I'm so close to the end.
I got home early enough this evening that Jamie and I were able to watch Nurse Jackie & Weeds which we missed last night. They replay it on it the dish all week, so we were able to catch it tonight. I think Nurse Jackie is one of my fave new shows.
I love the way life lines look in knitting.
yay, bubbles! :)
Honestly, Mackie's face just cracks me up. He's such a sweetie!
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