Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Actually Knitted Today!

This afternoon, a nurse from the CLSC came over to go over a few things with me, and was able to bring me some English paperwork that I needed (which the hospital only supplied to me in French. Those buggers!) Anyhow, she weighed Sean, and he has gained 70 grams in the last 2 days, which is good! He needs to keep up this 35g/day weight gain and he'll be back at his birth weight in no time! We need to get over that hump first before thinking about anything further. This nurse, or her colleague, will be coming by on Tuesday to weigh him again. I love this service I am getting. I don't even have to leave my house! My mom came by today to be here when the nurse weighed him and checked him out. That little hint of jaundice that Sean had on Tuesday when the lactation consultant came by, is now gone! Phew! As soon as Sean started eating properly by breastfeeding, I knew it would go away. She even put him on his stomach to see his reflexes, and Sean is a very strong boy for a week old. I can't believe he's a week old already! Where does time go??

Kadi came over this afternoon, bringing along a quich with her, as a gift. It was DELICIOUS. Jamie and I had some for dinner. Thank you Kadi, it was super sweet of you!

Kadi took this picture of Sean and I today. Ignore my loungy pj's!
It's what I've been living in!

Tonight I caught Jamie on the couch with Sean fast asleep.
Awww, how sweet! I love this picture!

And I had to snap a picture of my son sleeping alone.
He's just too cute I want to eat him up!

This breastpump kit by Avent has been a lifesaver for me. Sean (because he's a little on the small side) has been having a tough time sometimes staying latched on to my boob, so I've been pumping for those frustrating times, so I can just give him a bottle and get him satisfied, rather than both of us getting frustrated. I also decided that during the day I'll pump enough feedings for the night, this way, we all can get the maximum amount of sleep. I thought this was a genius idea! Tonight we watched the Habs get killed by Washington, I don't even want to talk about it. It's a manual pump, but I've got a very good let down and I'm very happy with this pump so far!

Tomorrow we're going out for lunch, with some of Jamie's ex-co-workers. Ah! To be able to get out of the house! We'll also probably go by Zellers and see if we can get a swing for Sean. He likes to be rocked and falls asleep that way! Maybe a swing will be a good thing! This weekend we have friends coming over to see Sean, and other than that we'll take it easy.

So as my title of this post reads, I ACTUALLY got to knit today. I got to knit a bit while Kadi was over, and then again this evening while Sean slept in my lap, and I watched CSI which was on TV. I was so happy to get some knitting time in. However, I noticed a mistake I am doing in my scarf, and since I've only done about 4 pattern repeats, I'm thinking about frogging it and starting over.... I dono... debating it.... it's noticeable to me, now that I know about it - and I think it will bother me. (Damn being a perfectionist!) I'll sleep on it!

Alright, sleep time. I need to get back up soon to feed Sean! I feel like all I am lately is a boob!


Jenny said...

I just love that shot of Sean and Jamie sleeping--it is so cute! He really is such a little doll and it is great to hear that feedings are going well and he is gaining weight.

Barb said...

awww what sweet pics :) gla too hear breastfeeding is getting MUCH easier for ya, did you end up frogging that scarf?

Carrie said...

A human refrigerator, dear =) That's what you are. What a beautiful little guy you have, and that is a sweet pic of daddy, too.

Jofrog said...

Great to hear that he's gaining weight! After you get the breastfeeding down, it's time to work on knitting while breastfeeding! I've almost completed a sock in two days, just nursing time alone!

g-girl said...

well, heck, jofrog just said she can knit and nurse @ the same time! I knew it was possible! :) great pics-thanks for sharing them. glad to hear that sean's gaining the weight he lost and that his jaundice is gone! Who knew it just took some food to take that away!

Drea said...

its so cool our boys are like the same age :-)

PutYourFlareOn said...

I'm catching up on your entries... Sean is beautiful! The sleeping pictures are just the best! Good to hear about the breast pump. I was looking at that one, I haven't bought one yet and feel like I should wait until the baby is born to see what his feeding habits are. Who knows?