17 weeks pregnant. 2 more weeks until the famous Ultra Sound.... I can barely keep my excitement contained. All I have to say, is the little one better cooperate!
I was playing around with my camera tonight, and I really like this photo. I was trying to get a photograph of my cute monkey earrings (fimo) but it wasn't happening tonight. The lighting in office bathroom isn't so good. Next time!
Today we ran out to Costco. My sister snapped this cute photo of Sean in one of the aisles. I had put this toy by Parents in the basket - and Sean took a liking to it - and wouldn't take his eye off of it. I guess I'm keeping it? It says 18 months plus - so we'll wait a few before giving it to him. We'll see what he gets for his birthday party - and decide if we're keeping it. Though, I think I was going to have issues if I didn't take it home with us today. Look at that smile on his face - yep - that's a kid that is feeling better. His nose barely ran today - unless he was crying - and his cough is better. Jamie's trying to convince me not to take him into the pool tomorrow for his first swim lesson at the new place - but I don't want to miss the first class. I am going to see how Sean is feeling in the morning.
This evening after making dinner (Salmon with Potatoes) I pretty much sat on the couch and watched TV and worked on my Thrummed Mittens. Guess what? I just need to close the thumb. I'll do it tomorrow - I'm getting tired and I have to get up early tomorrow for Sean's swim class, even if we don't end up going into the water - we're still going to the pool - even if we have to sit on the side (we'll see).
Tomorrow besides swimming we have a date with other Mommies who Knit and also I've got the Montreal Knitting Guild Meeting tomorrow night, which I will be going to. Lots of knitting related items for tomorrow!
ps- Found the stitch holders - I knew I had a bag of multiple sizes somewhere, but still no luck on finding the ruler... I can't believe I can't find a single ruler in this house... I have an idea of one more place to look... ah... tomorrow.
I don't think I own a ruler. If so, I have no idea where it is.
I'm feeling inspired by your thrummed mitts and very tempted to run out and buy a kit. However, I'm sure I have suitable yarn and some roving around. Must find a pattern.
So exciting to find out what the sex of the baby is!
That picture of Sean is adorable time 100!! Look at that cute smile and those eyes...and let's not forget the curls! Oh, that boy is going to have a lot of girlfriends when he grows up!
Ok...no ruler...that calls for a trip to the LYS ;o)
oh my gosh, I can see his eyelashes in that pic! so adorable. I was able to see your monkey earrings (sort of) when I enlarged the pic and squinted!
Congrats on your 2nd baby, to be expected on your birthday I noticed :-) So much fun, tiny people :-)I hope you and the little one are doing ok - and hope that Sean loves the idea of having a baby brother or sister.
Congrats!! My due date's June 5th. Are you feeling movement yet? This one's a little squiggle worm for me. I sooo can't wait for my ultrasound, we really wanna know the sex as well. Good luck with your's, I'm sure you're estatic. It's such an exciting time. I plan on taking my 4 year old daughter to see it, I thought then it would seem more exciting for her and real.
You're so cute!
I can't wait to find out the sex too!
Welcome to 365! (I checked your blog out earlier before I "friended" you!)
What a sweet little guy you have! :-)
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