Sunday, November 28, 2010

11.28.10 :: 47 months old


Sean is 47 months old today.
One month left & he turns 4 years old.
Four! I just don't believe how fast time flies.

I was on my own today as of lunch time with the boys (after a nice 12 hour sleep last night - thank you Jamie!) Jamie entered himself into a poker tournament. (The same tournament that last year he 'lost' his Cashmere scarf I knit him - excuse the bad photography of that scarf on Ravelry - I knit that scarf 4 years ago). This year, I refused to let him take that scarf with him (he still wears it!)

I survived today. My mother came in the afternoon to give the boys a bath. (I cannot wait to be able to bend into the tub to give the boys their bath again). Then at dinner time, my family came over to have dinner here. I'm battling a very bad cold, and I wanted to keep the boys inside as well. They also both have a wee bit of a runny nose, and I didn't want theirs to get worse.

The boys had a few moments today where I wanted to stay away from them (think pillow fight but with teddy bears) and I didn't want to get in between them and get whacked. Ahhh, the joys of toddler boys. But over all, they were pretty good for me today. I can't actually complain.

Our Montreal Alouettes won another Grey Cup today, 2nd year in a row. So very proud of the Als! Sadly though, on a day to enjoy our win, Canadian Actor Leslie Nielson passed way, at the age of 84. I am a fan of his work (Naked Gun, Airplane!, etc).

Praying my cold goes away soon. Jamie says my belly looks really low now and he never saw my belly drop this low with either pregnancy with Mack or Sean. He told me he also thinks this baby is coming out in 5 hours or less. Sure...! Where he is getting this from? I have no idea. That would be nice. (Both my labors with Sean & Mack were 32+ hours equaling about 65 hours of labor between both boys approximately). A quick delivery this time would be so very nice. (Though, I need enough time to work a bit on La Novia while in labor though - already packed into my hospital bag - which I plan to finalize in the next day or two. That bag seems to have magical powers though. The last 2 times I packed it (meaning finished it) - my water broke the very next day. Hmmmm!

Off to go read some of my advanced readers copy of Arranged and get some more rest. On tap for tomorrow!? Catching up on some stuff on the PVR, working on Bittersweet Vines (I should be able to get the cowl done in just a few hours) and sipping tea. I'm house bounding myself tomorrow, so that I can hopefully nurse this cold back to health - without meds. (Another thing I miss while pregnant, the luxury to be able to take Tylenol Cold).

Crap, Chanukah is on Wednesday at sundown. Better wrap those gifts I got the boys, take out the fun menorah & find where I put the candles. Even though we're not religious (at all), I still like to keep up tradition in the house, so that the boys don't miss out. Plus, it's fun to light the menorah. It's just so pretty. Can't believe how early Chanukah is this year. We're not really doing Christmas this year with Jamie's step-family (except maybe something small once my in-laws get back from Toronto) as every other year it's in Mississauga, Ontario at my step-brotehr-in-law's house, (the other years it's in Montreal) and we're not going to Toronto this year either very pregnant (hopefully not anymore by Xmas) or with a newborn. It'll be a quiet holiday season at our place. So, at least I can give the boys Chanukah.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

11.27.10 :: 36 weeks pregnant

36 weeks pregnant today!
For the last couple of weeks, I as PRAYING I would not go into labor until AFTER Anne Hanson's workshop. Water didn't break & I made it safely to the end of the workshop.
(Totally thought the chair I sat in from 9 am until 4pm would definitely send me into labor though! Oh what un-comfortness! Still pregnant but in a LOT of pain now.)


Anne demonstration something.
(She demonstrated a few things, can't remember which one this was).


The morning class was a lace techniques class called "Lace Start to Finish".
It was an intermediate/advanced class.
She showed us a provisional cast on, using a crochet chain.


Once we were done one repeat of the lace pattern, we bound off. then we picked up the cast on from the chain, and started to work in the other direction (pretty darn neat if you ask me).


And we all got a thrill out of pull the crochet chain out. I know I did!


Then we worked on a hemmed cuff.


I was a bit out of it today (fighting off a cold and being 36 weeks pregnant, I have a problem focusing these days), so I didn't finish what I started before the morning class ended. I will absolutely finish it at home though, so that I can see how it looks, etc. It was nice to hang out all morning with Tara, whom I hadn't seen in a bit. She didn't take the afternoon class though.


The afternoon class was called "Bittersweet Vines - Neckwarmer & Mitts".
I got to touch the original cowl and mittens. Anne brought them with her.

I started my project, (kinneared Anne sitting in the middle in this shot!)


However, again, I didn't finish the cowl (I don't think anyone actually 100% finished it) in class. I will work on it - I really like the way it's designed - you would never imagine it was worked in the way it is, unless you've knit it yourself. Pretty neat Anne!

I chose stash yarn for this project, Naturally Merino & Fur in Turquoise. I have 262 yards in 2 skeins, and according to Anne it uses (for the small size) only 150 yards for both the neckwarmer and the mitts! Yeah, Anne couldn't believe it either, that it used such little yarn.


Anne took some photos of my La Novia (on top of my awesome tote bag that reads "Life is too short to use cheap wine"). So I took a picture of her taking a picture.

This is an original Pine & Ivy by Anne as well. It was so nice to see up close & personal. She said there were 4 versions she made, and this was one. (One has neck shaping or something).

I have to say that today was beyond incredible. I'm so happy that baby boy decided to sit tight and not come early. (After all, Mack did break my water in my 36th week, [and Sean in my 37th week]). I promised Anne that I would work on my La Novia while in labor, to distract me from labor pains. I think it'll make a great project to work on in the hospital. Don't you think?

I am sad that I won't be able to take Anne's Sweater Fitness class tomorrow, but with my pregnant belly this large it's just a waste. Next time Anne's in town, I'm so there though for that sweater class. I hope everyone taking it tomorrow has fun.

After the workshop I came home and laid in bed for a bit while the boys watched some tv with me. I couldn't move. I really thought that I was going to go into labor tonight (so far - nothing). I'm in a lot of pain though. Hoping to not go to my due date (Xmas day - 4 weeks). Then it was time to get ready to go out. I totally wish I could have stayed on the couch tonight with my knitting. However, we had Jamie's best friend's surprise 35th tonight. A dinner party. A late dinner party. Not exactly what I had in mind for a Saturday night at 36 weeks pregnant. It was a pretty fancy restaurant, but when you're a large group, the menu is fixed, and I wasn't 100% impressed. The birthday boy was 150% surprised, and couldn't believe that he was the reason everyone was there together.

It's late now, and it's time to hit the sack. I'm solo parenting tomorrow, so I need some rest before entertaining 2 toddlers all day. Wish me luck!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Conversation I had with Sean today:

Me: My nose is running. I hate this time of the year.
Sean: It's running? Where?
Me: That's what you say when you have a cold and your nose won't stop dripping. You call it running.
Sean: So then go catch it.
Me: Thanks Sean. Maybe tomorrow. Mommy has no energy today.

I love talking to my toddler. It's so much fun to hear what will come out of his mouth.

I had my 36 week check-up today and it was absolutely useless. We talked a bit - since it was my first time meeting my doc’s colleague (as my doc is officially on maternity leave now due to the fact that she's pregnant and due the week after me), and she listened to the heartbeat (A steady 160). She doesn’t do internal exams until 37/38 weeks. I’m going to demand one at my next appointment next Friday (at a day shy of 37 weeks), if my water hasn’t broken before then. I told her that my first born broke my water in my 37th week (37 weeks and 5 days) and my 2nd son in my 36th week (36 weeks 6 days), and then she said “Well, I don’t think this baby is coming out that early”. How the heck does she know!?? Is she psychic? She didn’t even do an internal exam, maybe I’m dilating already? Who knows. And I’d never met this woman before today, so she knows me that well? She didn’t even measure my belly - which my doc has done every appointment until now from probably 28 ish weeks onward. I kind of feel like today was a waste of an appointment. Though, I did run into a friend in the waiting room - so that was nice to catch up with her.

Oh yes, get this, my new doctor starts talking about scheduling a Csection for 40-41 weeks if I don’t go before then naturally (since I’m going for Vbac this time). Is she insane? I’m doing everything I can to soften my cervix naturally so that this baby comes out in 2010. No way I’m still going to be pregnant in 2011. I’m 36 weeks tomorrow and so done. I've had 2 healthy and early babies. (Early but full term). I’ve never been more than 38 weeks pregnant, so she’s insane if she thinks I’ll still be pregnant at 40-41 weeks. My doc had talked about scheduling a Csection at 39 weeks now that my placenta praevia cleared, if I wanted to still do the Csection route. Not at 40-41 weeks. This doc seemed to push Csection, rather than my doc who was all “go for Vbac, you’re a good candidate". It just seemed like everything she said today resulted in a Csection.

I’m not sure how I feel about this new doc to be honest. I'm kind of hoping that my water breaks soon, and that she's not on call when I go into labor. We've got a busy weekend this weekend - so anytime after Saturday night (or Jamie prefers anytime after Sunday), I'm game to go into labor.

And now I'm trying to nurse a cold. (As per my conversation with Sean earlier today). I cannot even take anything for it - as every cold medicine is not safe during pregnancy. Drinking tea - of course and getting enough sleep. The cold has been building up for about 2 days now. The other night Jamie told me that he wanted to shoot me in the middle of the night, as I woke him up around 5 am, because I was snoring so loudly. I am not a person who snores. But I cannot breathe through my nose right now.... so I guess I must have been sleeping with my mouth open and started to snore. If only baby boy would come out - I could take cold medicine and not be sick anymore. Oh, that would be nice.

Besides my OB check-up today I wasn't allowed out of the house. Some of the roads were a sheet of ice, and Jamie banned me from going out. He wasn't worried about my driving - he was worried about everyone else's. I don't blame him. Other people scare me when it's ice out there. I'm really hoping the sticky snow doesn't come until after I've delivered baby boy. My feet don't fit into my boots right now (I'm that swollen), and I'm so close to the end of my pregnancy that I don't want to buy new boots.

I didn't knit a stitch today (or even crochet) - though I have some knitting homework that I need to take care of before going to bed tonight. I'll talk to you about the knitting homework tomorrow. Promise. I've been still on the crazy nesting kick, and I have been checking every skein in my stash (in my yarn room where all my yarn marinates before usage) and making sure that every skein that I have is indeed listed in my stash on Ravelry. This way when I want to look up yarn for a project, I can visually see everything. It's perfect. Also saves me from buying more yarn, when I probably already own what I have for a certain project that I'll want to do. (Giving total credit to Jenn for inspiring me to do this crazy stash clean-up). You know, I have yarn that I totally forgot that I even owned. I like finding yarn. It's fun! It's like finding money in your coat pocket after the summer when you go to take out your jacket for that upcoming winter.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

11.25.10 :: 127 weeks old


Mack is 127 weeks old today.


Sean wanted to be in a photo today too.

The boys school photos finally arrived today.
I'm in love:


"Hey Ladies!"


So Romantic.


Brotherly Love.

They were so fantastic this year, that I bought them on DVD - so I own the rights to re-print all of them. (Though, it was a tad costly, it was extremely worth it, and now I don't have to go to the studio to have their pictures taken). I love them all so much I want to print them all up and put them in a large collage frame on my wall. I think there are almost 20 good ones. That includes solo of Sean, solo of Mack and ones of the 2 of them together. (The three above are my absolute fave).

I wasn't able to find time yesterday to watch Eat Pray Love, so I watched it today. (It's almost 2 and a half hours). I really enjoyed it, and still plan to read the book (I have it in queue to read). I managed to crochet another bookmark & a half, as some gifts that I thought I would make in addition to the ones I already made for the teachers.

We were supposed to lose our water on Monday. I had gotten a phone call on Friday from the city letting me know it would be between 8:30 am and 5pm. That never happened and I lost out on an entire day that I was actually home/around, to do laundry. Then I got another phone call on Tuesday night, that it would be on Thursday (today). Great, on the day I have my cleaning lady here. I needed her to come anyhow, because she's away next week and there is other stuff she could do without water if that be the case. We filled up a few buckets of water, and the funny part? We never lost water yesterday. Again. I'm seriously upset with the city over this. Another day I could have done laundry, but feared that the water would shut off at any moment and I didn't want that to happen in the middle of doing a load (cuz the laundry just never ends). I really hope to not receive another phone call that the water will be shut off again. This is totally not cool. They didn't even give a reason. Just that it was going to be shut off in my area. Fun. Well, now there is laundry coming out of all ends of the baskets... and at almost 36 weeks pregnant, I just am too tired. I wish I could snap my fingers and it would be done. Wouldn't that be nice? It's not the actual doing of the laundry. It's the folding & putting away... I have nesting energy for other things... except the laundry. Hmmm!

It'll be another early night for me again tonight. I just can't keep my eyes open late these days anymore. And then once the baby arrives - it'll be a whole new kind of tired, I'm sure.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today was our semi-annual dental appointment. Mackenzie joined us for the first time today. It was his first appointment ever - and as you can see above, he was in the chair with his mouth open before the dentist even took a peek. His mouth is developing well, and he's just missing his four 2nd set molars. As I had suspected, his first set of molars are cut through, and growing. (Which explains his crankiness and fever as of recent).

Sean also was a good boy at his appointment. He let the hygienist clean his teeth, and do the floride treatment before the dentist took at look in his mouth as well. No complaints.

And the appointment was for myself as well.
Look ma, still not a single cavity!
And damn proud!

Last night I finished the 5th bookmark for the teacher's gifts. I have to start another set, though maybe not another 5, as I want to make the daycare coordinator a bookmark too - and they make great gifts, so I think I might just whip up a few more to have on hand. Now that I know the pattern off by heart, I can whip up one of these in no time.

This afternoon I ran a few errands. I wanted to pick up a few more 'organizational' pieces/containers for my nesting. I've been wanting a container to keep all the boys artwork that they bring home from daycare. Until now it's just been sitting in a pile here & a pile there, and I really wanted to put them together and store them in something. So I found something perfect for that today. I also picked up a few more little cubby things with drawers (really small cubby 3-drawer organizers) as I've been organizing my knitting notions, by category. (Ok, maybe I'm taking nesting to an entire new level?)

While out, I found this Aunt Lydia's Crochet Thread. It's 100% Bamboo and SO soft. I have no idea what to do with it - but I had to pick it up. I got Still Pool (Blue) and Mushroom (Cream). Some interesting options I've found on Ravelry are this necklace, or this one, ooh, this necklace too, people have even made the bookmark that I've just finished with this thread, I'd have to pick up some more of one of the colorways to make a shawl like this one. Neat ideas. I'm already married, but some people have even used this soft thread to make garters! I think by far this is my fave one. I wish I had been crocheting back in the days of my wedding - but I only picked up stitching after I got married. I totally would have made myself a garter. (Actually the garter that I used for my wedding, was passed onto my cousin Jenn, and then Jenn passed it onto my cousin Caryn, and they both used it as well. I wonder if Caryn still has it, and will pass it along to the next family member who gets engaged or married). It should be in a box with our names and wedding dates on it. Hopefully a family tradition was started. If not... I tried.

I've also been looking for some fabric that wasn't too "out there" for lining for pouches and stuff. I was looking for more solid, but founds these and really like them. I will still keep looking for solid fabric. I am hoping these pieces will work for what I want to use them for. If not, I'll find something to make with them.

I also found Easy-On Speed Starch. I am hoping it's the right thing - as the employee in the store I had no idea to help me. I am looking for "spray starch" to spray the bookmarks to stiffen them up before ironing them as the final step to it. Does anyone know if this is the right stuff? Hoping it is, before opening it - as it is returnable if it's not. From reading the side of the spray it looks like it is the right thing?

I've got another 10 point Pampers Gifts to Grow code: GiveThanks10pts.

Tonight I think it will be another early night. I feel ill with really bad (horribly bad) indigestion (eating Greek food was NOT a good idea at almost 36 weeks pregnant) and I am catching myself falling asleep. Hopefully I'll have a good night's rest. Need to get as much sleep now before baby 3 arrives.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Nesting. I am nesting big time. Today I was car-less, as Jamie had a 20 year old kid in a car hit his car last week (he's okay, car had a bit of damage) so it was going in today and Jamie even though he got a rental needed my van today (for work). So since I was stuck at home, I took care of some cleaning (I mean nesting). I cleaned out the entire pantry in the kitchen, organizing it again, making things easier to find, and seeing what we actually have in there. We had some stuff I didn't even know we had. There was some stuff that had expired, and I found some non-perishable items to donate to the Sun Youth food drive that the daycare does every year. I have to remember to bring those items in tomorrow. I even scrubbed down the shelves in the cupboards. Full on nesting.

And then I cleared out my email inbox. I cannot tell you when the last time it was 100% empty. Feels great to be on top of things. Next thing I need to tackle is my Ravelry inbox. It's not that out of control, but I do have some messages pending replies. All my photos that I've printed are put away in chronological order in the current album I am filling up. My office is being cleaned as we speak. Jenn has inspired me to clean up my stash and make sure that it's all listed on Ravelry. This way when I want to knit something I know what I have in the appropriate yarn weights to make it. This saves money from going out and buying new stuff that I probably don't need. Thanks for the inspiration Jenn! I know I have a ton of stuff that has not yet made it to my stash on Ravelry, and I am slowly working on that. Nesting. Yep. Cleaning. Organizing. Order. Totally have that energy. It feels great to keep working on de-cluttering. Hopefully this will allow me to have things spotless & organized and I'll know where things are when I need them. Trying to be better at that. I can actually see the top of my desk (right now). Hopefully it will stay that way for now. Hmmm, what else can I organize? The garage needs organization again, but I have no desire to hang out in the cold garage.

I've finished bookmark #4 and I am working on #5 for the teachers. Though, I think that I will have to make an additional 2 more. (One for the daycare coordinator and one for the sub teacher who is often helping out in either one of my boys classrooms, and I just love her to pieces. I think I will put them together a handmade Xmas gift as well). I promise you pictures in daylight tomorrow. It was dark & gloomy today outside. Looks like they are actually calling for some sun tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get a group shot of all the bookmarks I've already made. Stay tuned. (I'm having fun making them).

I leave you tonight with some silly pictures of the boys:


This was them after dinner tonight, with their dessert.

The funniest part was they had us cracking up with the silly faces they were making to go along with these. Love it.

Today’s Link Love (Short & Sweet):
- I love these Chalkboard Place Mats. My friend Leslie sells them! What a fantastic idea!
- Eat Pray Love came out today. I've got a date with my tv tomorrow. I've been waiting for this movie to come out. Have you seen it? Any good??
- I got a new audio book now that I finished Knit Two. Has anyone read or listened to The Actor & The Housewife?

Monday, November 22, 2010

11.22.10 :: 203 weeks old


Sean is 203 weeks old today.

This morning I had Mackenzie's Parent/Teacher interview at the daycare. The daycare does this twice a year, once in the fall & once in the spring. Everything with Mackenzie is good. He's a great child. He's right on track for his age range. He's the 3rd youngest in his class (He's June 17th, and there is one girl born June 27th and another child Sept 4th). All the kids are a lot older than him, starting to turn 3 already (1 just did and the rest follow, December/January/February ...etc). There are 4 of them still with lids on their cups, and he's one of them. That's fine, because even at home I don't trust him without a lid yet. He knocks over his sippy cup either on the table or off the table on a daily basis. So until he's more responsible there, he's not getting it taken off. He's the only child that sometimes still cries in the morning at drop off. It's hit or miss. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. They say it never lasts more than 2 minutes tops and he's perfectly fine the rest of the day. I guess he's just an emotional child. I'm not sure what is triggering this behavior. What else... oh yes, two more things. The first, is that he sometimes just starts crying when he doesn't want to do what they tell him to do. For example, last week in the gym when one of the outside "teachers" came in for the activity (they have a few outside people that come in, like one day is dance, one day is music, one day is science and one day is this safety guy who does activities with them (I think he's a retired cop)). Anyhow, the safety guy was there last week and Mack was leaning against the wall and he asked all the kids to move in closer to him, and Mackenzie said no. He asked him again, and Mack just started to cry. I don't know why he's doing this - but he is a bit stubborn sometimes. The other thing is that Mack has his "SPOT" at the table in the classroom. They have 2 tables. Both tables are identical. Even all the chairs around them are identical in shape, color, size, etc. So it's not the color of the chair he wants. It's the spot. He's even tried to push kids out of the spot if they get to it first. Sean & Mack each have their own spots at the table at home too. Mack does get mad at Sean if Sean tries to sit in his seat. I didn't even realize that this was an issue, as personally I don't care where we all sit around our own kitchen table, but it seems that we just always end up at the same seats. Myself on one end to feed Mack and Jamie next to Sean on the other end (round table pushed up against the wall) to help Sean with whatever he needs... Never thought "assigned" seats at the dinner table (not sure what else to call them) would cause an issue at daycare. Sean doesn't seem to have an issue with where he sits, and he also sometimes rotates taking any seat at our kitchen table. It's only Mackenzie that has to sit in the same spot each time. Hmm.. interesting. Thoughts anyone?

The other stuff they talked about was all on track for him. He knew most of his shapes, almost all his colors, and could count to 12 (as of when they went over this all with him before the interview - as I did hear him count to 14 in the right order this past weekend). He's still scribbling, has fine motor skills, can communicate very well - though he's talking sentences he's not using full sentences yet - which is okay. He's not aggressive at all with his friends, and he's very polite and has manners. I like to hear this.

Sean's interview is later on this week - so we'll see how that is.

Jamie was home sick today, though he worked from home. After he was done his work for the day, we tried to watch some tv together, however, I ended up falling asleep on the couch for a few hours. I'm telling you - it was a much needed nap. I can't even tell you the last time I actually took the time to nap in the afternoon. It felt great. We were also supposed to lose the water today from 8:30 am until 5pm (which never happened), so I didn't do any laundry or dishes or anything that required water during the day.

I worked on another bookmark and a half. I will show you progress photos tomorrow, once the 4th bookmark is done. They are coming along faster & faster now that I don't even need to look at the pattern to make one. I've been making them all in different color crochet thread (size 10) so that at least I am not getting bored of the same thing over & over again.

I've been thinking about my past pregnancies, and how I was feeling then. I found my blog post from 35 weeks with Mackenzie's pregnancy here. To quote what I wrote: "35 weeks pregnant. I'm officially in the home stretch. 35 days to go. I've been pregnant for 245 days. I'm tired. I'm uncomfortable. I'm swollen. I'm soooo done being pregnant. But I love being pregnant. I surely will miss it when I'm not pregnant anymore." Ha! Totally the same way I feel now. Though, the only thing I don't remember is being that swollen with Mack's pregnancy. Then I found this blog post about my pregnancy with Sean. I wrote in that blog post about dreams I was having (before having Sean). "1- I gave birth in my 37th week (Thursday starts week 36!) 2 - I was a pro at breastfeeding and had no problems and 3- getting my stomach massaged to deliver the placenta. So if all three come true, then I'll be having a vaginal birth in just a week or so (depends on what day in my 37th week I give birth) and I'll be a pro at breastfeeding." Though breastfeeding didn't work out with Sean (nursed with supplementing for the first 2 weeks, but pumped to 6 weeks as he was too tiny to get to latch), my water did break at 37 weeks 5 days and he was born at exactly 38 weeks after 2 days of labor. (8pm on the 26th to 4:44 am on the 28th). Crazy. It's amazing what dreams tell you! Here is what I looked like at 34 weeks 5 days, and here at 35 weeks. I look so miserable and huge! Ugh! I am so glad my face does not look like that this time. I don't think I got so round in the face this time, I think it's all in my belly. (And look at my face above with Sean for our weekly self-portrait... totally not round in the face).

Today's Link Love:
- Since I am due Xmas Day - I thought I'd share this cute photo with you. (You'll never catch me in a Mrs. Claus suit though! LOL)
- Love this Maternity Shot as well. I'm a total Scrabble freak!
- Here is another code worth 5 points to add to your Pampers Gifts to Grow account! novemberthanks5 – 5pts
- Love this Patchwork Cube Tutorial.
- Found this good article on "stiffening" crochet items that need - like the bookmarks I am making the teachers at school. I think I will still stick with the spray starch idea. Need to get to the market to get some soon.
- I am not a Glee watcher, (Not a fan of Jane Lynch) but this video is cute & catchy. (Someone who watches it - please tell me - is that blonde Gwenyth Paltrow?)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


2nd bookmark for the teacher gift pile. It's purple.
Will have to make myself one.
Started the 3rd one today. In another color thread.

I really like this pattern. Very quick project, but the small hook & super thin thread are very fidgety at times. Though, I can pretty much crochet this now in my sleep. That's a plus.

Today we had a cousins brunch. I have 2 cousins, 1 first cousin, and one 3rd cousin, who both have boys. All our boys are within months of each other. It's so nice to have kids the same age. They all play so nicely together. As we stood there today around the "kid" table, we were like "Wow, we actually fill up a kids table now, and with all boys! Soon we'll have 7 boys between the 3 of us." You have Oliver (August 2006), Sean (December 2006), Jakob (May 2007), Mack (June 2008), Henri (January 2009) and Spencer (April 2009).

Our cousins brunch turned into a Chanukah party for the boys. We decided to do a little gift exchange - which was nice. The boys really enjoyed it.


Before everyone left to go home we took some pictures of the boys on our hallway stairs - just like our parents used to do for our generation. It was a little difficult trying to get 6 boys aged 4 and under to sit and all look at the camera a the same time. (Above & below are the 2 best photos we got - one from Jenn's camera and one from mine).


After everyone left, I entertained the kids pretty much the entire rest of the day. Jamie came down with some sort of flu/virus who knows what and is sick as a dog. Slight fever amongst other not so fun symptoms. I'm hoping he gets better soon (and I'm debating whether to sleep in the same room as him tonight). I managed to get ALL the laundry washed today, as the city is shutting off our water for the entire day tomorrow (not sure why, but the recording on our answering machine said it would be back on by 5pm - thankfully). It was a long day today, neither Sean or Mack napped, and Jamie was sick. Luckily the boys like to watch sports, so we watched the ALs game all afternoon so I didn't have to watch kid shows for 5+ hours. It was the Eastern finals, and the Montreal Alouettes kicked Toronto out of the running for the Grey Cup next weekend. Very excited to watch the Als play in the Grey Cup another year in a row. Repeat of last year?! I'll take another win, thank you.


So we took out the new Chanukah gifts. Sean & Mack each got a gift that is a "coloring" book with a special marker. When you color on the page with it - the color appears. I remember drawing with these as a kid! So cool! I had no idea they still existed!


Of course there were some sports related gifts as well.

Mack didn't want his cousins to leave. He decided to call them back on the phone.
His conversation to his cousin Henri I caught on video.
Not a real conversation - he was on a toy phone.

The first bit he's mumbling something, but then he talks clearly towards the end of the video. He's too cute.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

11.20.10 :: 35 weeks pregnant


35 weeks pregnant today.
Done. So done. Spent. Finished. Beyond Exhausted.
Uncomfortable. Sore. Burned out.


This afternoon we had one of Sean's best friend's birthday party. It was at a local gym type place and the boys had a good time running around. I like that both boys are now old enough to go off on their own, so Jamie & I are able to chit chat with the adults while the boys play.

Mack's favourite part of parties :: Cake time.


Mack has taking a liking to our Dish Chair in the den.

It's so cute. You can find him lying as comfortable as comfortable can be. I wish I were his size and could lie in the chair just like he does.

Tonight I wrapped some Chanukah gifts that I need for tomorrow (early celebration), did the never ending laundry, finished catching up on In Plain Sight (fully caught up now just have to wait for Season 4 to air in 2011), listened to Featuring Norah Jones, crochet one more bookmark for the teacher's gifts (photo to come tomorrow), folded laundry, tried to tidy up the house (nesting much?), put together the diaper bag for baby #3's hospital stay before he can go home (I forgot how tiny newborn diapers are!), sipped Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, and felt baby boy move around like mad today. 35 weeks pregnant and he's still moving around making sure to have his presence known. I absolutely love feeling him and will miss that once he's born, but I'm anxiously waiting to see if he has blue eyes & blond hair like his brothers. I can't wait to feel his warmth against my chest as I hold him.

I crashed last night upon finishing my blog post - gosh, around 9 pm. I tried watching TV in bed, but it wasn't happening. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I slept right through to this morning, I was extremely exhausted. The bad thing about sleeping right through, is that I forgot to take Sean to use the washroom in the middle of the night. The good thing though? He woke up completely dry this morning. Knock on wood, we've had almost an entire week of him dry. I think by the end of this weekend, he'll have had one completely dry week.

Potty training = 1. Extra Extra laundry = 0.

I like.

Friday, November 19, 2010



I had started this the other day, but had to go back and re-do it today with a 1.6mm hook, because I didn't like the small hook I was using. It was too small (1.25mm). My ravelry project here has all the details. I find it interesting how the purple of the thread runs right up the middle of the bookmark. I do have a few other colors of this same thread, so I'm debating whether to make each teacher another color or to make them all the same one. Decisions, decisions, decisions...!


I really like the way it came out - I still have 4 more to do - Sean has 3 teachers and Mack has 2. I plan to add this to the gifts I am putting together for them for Christmas. They still need to be starch sprayed & ironed, but I will do that once I actually buy the starch spray & they are all finished, so that I can do that all together.


I also finished one of these today. I have one more half started. I was going to do it by painting the clothes pins, but got really frustrated after painting just one of them. (It just takes to long as you can't do all the sides or it won't dry nicely, at once, and it was just taking too long for my end of pregnancy patience). I then came up with the idea of using glue and ribbon. I really like the way it came out. (Yes, the clothes pins are on a ruler that I put a magnetic strip on the back). I wanted to clean up the mess of photos and papers on our fridge and thought that this was a really cute idea to do so. Then I saw this Holiday Wreath Tutorial on my blog friend Katheen's blog and totally want to make a non-holiday themed one, as we do get a lot of holiday cards/pictures in the mail this time of the year, but so that I can use it all year round.

The diaper bag that I will take to the hospital is complete. I don't think I need anything else. I've stashed in there newborn diapers (hoping I don't need preemie size like I did for Sean - who at full term (38 weeks) was 5 lbs 5 oz and dropped to 4 lbs 14 oz before leaving the hospital and then 4 lbs 8 oz in his first week). I also stashed in there wipes, diaper cream, nursing pads, dirty diaper bags (that I use), a few soothers. I don't think I need my nursing pump at the hospital. I will also put my nursing cover (that I made) in the diaper bag, must not forget that. (I'm shy when I nurse). I also just recently got a 2nd nursing wrap - for free - I just had to pay the shipping from the USA. Waiting for that in the mail.

Here is another Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards point code valued at 5 points: BJRJL-BZZLF-BDPGB. ENJOY!

I can barely keep my eyes open. I think I'm going to crash early for once.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

11.18.10 :: 126 weeks old


Mack is 126 weeks old today.


This morning a friend that I've recently reacquainted with after many years, came over. I discovered she crochets. Her late grandparents were friends with my grandparents and she remembers playing with me when we were both young. We hadn't seen each other in years, and then last year while I was at Rhinebeck, my kids attended a birthday party for one of Mack's friends, for his 1st birthday in 2009 and we started talking on facebook after she realized those were my kids. (We have a mutual friend). So we chatted for the longest time and then finally meet up at our mutuals friend's son's 2nd birthday this year. We started catching up at the party and realized we both "stitch". We set a date for a few weeks back to get together, but she got sick and with my anemia (weak immune) she didn't want to get me sick. So we rescheduled for this morning. We chatted & stitched for a good 3 hours. It was nice catching up. She's my age just under 3 months older than me. Her & her husband are both paramedics, and actually, her husband was the first responder on the scene of my grandfather's accident in October 2009. We actually talked a bit about that today - and I can't believe what great progress my grandfather has made from a year & a month ago. Truly a miracle he's still alive with us today. (The photo above she's multi tasking taking a call on her cell phone & crocheting).

Since my friend was also a little worried about my swelling, she brought along her blood pressure kit and took it for me. Everything looked great (PHEW!) She told me not to worry, to put my feet up, crochet/knit & relax. I felt better after she reassured me. If my blood pressure had been high, I would have called my doctor immediately.

I feel like a zombie today. So drained. I tried starting the crochet portion of the teachers gifts for the boys daycare, and I just can't keep focused on it (plus I have to go up a little bit on the hook size). Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

I waited home all day (ok, whom am I kidding, I wasn't going anywhere anyhow, not with this swelling to my very pregnant body) for Staples to deliver my order, as I ordered some more Tyvek envelopes that they do not carry in store, only online - they are my fave to ship stuff in. I also ordered 100 blank thank you cards, so that I can print my updated thank you design that includes baby #3. My lovely & talented friend Cynthia designed this after Mack was born, and I used them for all gifts Mackenzie received after he was born & at his Brit Milah (Bris), etc. Then after, I used them for any Thank you card that I wanted to send from us as a family. I knew I just had to update it for this time, and wanted to be prepared in advance this time. After Mack was born, I think it took me over 2 months to get my thank you cards out - the first time ever in my life that I was that behind on writing them & sending them out. (I think my track record is still my wedding thank you cards - they were in the mail I think 2 days later - ALL of them!) So, I went outside at around 4:30pm toady, because Staples emailed me to be home between 9 am and 5pm. I thought maybe they dropped it and left my parcel at the door. I've been home ALL day, haven't left. At one point there was even 3 of us here (cleaning lady, my crochet buddy & myself). Never heard the doorbell ring either. So I went to see outside. Nothing. I saw that my Suburban was at the bottom of my stairs with a white card size piece of paper. I went to the bottom of my stairs, got the Suburban and the white card to go put into the recycling bin (I don't read it the Suburban). I notice something about the white card and flipped it over. It was a "missed" slip from Staples. Uhm, what?! I missed slip? I don't get it. I've been home all day. Didn't leave once. So I came inside and called the 1-800 number on the card. Spoke to a nice lady, who told me they'll re-deliver tomorrow, but she has no idea what happened. Well, I am going to ask the guy tomorrow what happened, because I don't get it. I was home. Didn't leave. So frustrated. I wanted to test out the brand of note cards I bought to make sure that my new updated thank you cards print nicely on my new printer, just in case I need to send it out to get printed. Luckily I still have time before baby boy's arrival. This behavior, I would totally expect of Canada Post (because they've certainly done this to me before). But NOT of Staples. Hmph! I feel as though people have become so lazy these days. I don't even have many front stairs for him or her to go up, and the items I ordered aren't heavy at all.

Today’s link Love:
- I absolutely love this picture of Nienie’s family. I started to follow (lurk) her blog after seeing her on Oprah after her accident.
- Love this Snow Blossom Hat tutorial.
- Love this nesting doll pattern. (Ravelry Link)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11.17.10 :: 29 months old


Mack is 29 months old today.

Love this picture of Sean from after dinner tonight. He told me that it was between periods and the Zamboni was cleaning the ice so he had to take a break on the "bench". This kid cracks me up.

While Sean was inventing stories of hockey games, Mack was building blocks with me while we watched some cartoons on tv. I can't do much these days, now that I'm at the end of my pregnancy, but building blocks and relaxing, that I can do.

I spent my entire day today in the nursery. Once again I had my laptop with me, so I watched/listened to episode after episode of In Plain Sight (a USA Network Show). I've been catching up on it - I'm almost up to date. (There are 3 seasons out & I've now got 3 episodes left of Season 3). Yesterday, the nursery went from this to this by the end of the night.

And with all the work I did today, the nursery now looks like this (above). I did move the crib back to the original wall it was on, when we first moved in here - I find it gives WAY more space to the nursery by having it on the far wall instead of against the wall next to the window. No more anxiety. It's all been whooshed away as soon as I walked out of there tonight. Two full days of working on the nursery. I didn't even realize that it would take that long. I do still have a few items in the crib (like the exercauser I have to put together) and the crib mattress needs to be raised (as it's still lowered from when Mackenzie used it last). But the nursery itself is just about usable. We just need to wait for baby boy's arrival.

In the last 24 hours, my feet/ankles/calves all the way up to my knees have swollen to non-recognizable. I'm actually a tad worried. We'll see what happens tomorrow. My said area (feet/ankles/calves) look like they belong to the Michelin Man. And I have not even been on my feet, I've been sitting on the nursery floor folding baby clothes. (Every item of clothing from 3 months to 2T (Boxes that were made: 3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months, 6-9 months, 6-12 months, 9/9-12 months, 12 months, 12-18 months, 18 months, 18-24 months, 24mos/2T) are in boxes by size (Preemie, Newborn & 0-3 month clothing are washed & put away in baby boy's dressers). Each box even has marked on it what exactly is inside (ex. pants, sleepers, onesies, swim suit, etc...) So when baby boy reaches that size, I just need to pull out the box and wash the stuff that is inside (I wasn't washing all those clothes before he was born, especially since everything 3 months plus is staying in storage - just organized this time), until he needs it. All sizes 12 months and under is stored in his closet, and everything 12-18 months, to 24 months/2T, is going back into storage (but accessible) downstairs. WOW! Organization! I can't believe it. Now if only I could get my office organized like that!? (With some sort of system).

And all that's really left is to pack my hospital bag. However, I'll be holding off on that right now, until at least 36 weeks because the last two times (for Sean & Mack) that I packed my hospital bag, my water broke the very next day. Both times. I kid you not. I'm not just yet ready for baby boy yet, still have some stuff on my to do list. Trying to get what I can done before 36 weeks, which leaves me about a week and a half (I'll be 35 weeks on Saturday). This way if I can get everything done on time, I can sit back & relax until baby boy decides to make his appearance.