Sean is 47 months old today.
One month left & he turns 4 years old.
Four! I just don't believe how fast time flies.
I was on my own today as of lunch time with the boys (after a nice 12 hour sleep last night - thank you Jamie!) Jamie entered himself into a poker tournament. (The same tournament that last year he 'lost' his Cashmere scarf I knit him - excuse the bad photography of that scarf on Ravelry - I knit that scarf 4 years ago). This year, I refused to let him take that scarf with him (he still wears it!)
I survived today. My mother came in the afternoon to give the boys a bath. (I cannot wait to be able to bend into the tub to give the boys their bath again). Then at dinner time, my family came over to have dinner here. I'm battling a very bad cold, and I wanted to keep the boys inside as well. They also both have a wee bit of a runny nose, and I didn't want theirs to get worse.
The boys had a few moments today where I wanted to stay away from them (think pillow fight but with teddy bears) and I didn't want to get in between them and get whacked. Ahhh, the joys of toddler boys. But over all, they were pretty good for me today. I can't actually complain.
Our Montreal Alouettes won another Grey Cup today, 2nd year in a row. So very proud of the Als! Sadly though, on a day to enjoy our win, Canadian Actor Leslie Nielson passed way, at the age of 84. I am a fan of his work (Naked Gun, Airplane!, etc).
Praying my cold goes away soon. Jamie says my belly looks really low now and he never saw my belly drop this low with either pregnancy with Mack or Sean. He told me he also thinks this baby is coming out in 5 hours or less. Sure...! Where he is getting this from? I have no idea. That would be nice. (Both my labors with Sean & Mack were 32+ hours equaling about 65 hours of labor between both boys approximately). A quick delivery this time would be so very nice. (Though, I need enough time to work a bit on La Novia while in labor though - already packed into my hospital bag - which I plan to finalize in the next day or two. That bag seems to have magical powers though. The last 2 times I packed it (meaning finished it) - my water broke the very next day. Hmmmm!
Off to go read some of my advanced readers copy of Arranged and get some more rest. On tap for tomorrow!? Catching up on some stuff on the PVR, working on Bittersweet Vines (I should be able to get the cowl done in just a few hours) and sipping tea. I'm house bounding myself tomorrow, so that I can hopefully nurse this cold back to health - without meds. (Another thing I miss while pregnant, the luxury to be able to take Tylenol Cold).
Crap, Chanukah is on Wednesday at sundown. Better wrap those gifts I got the boys, take out the fun menorah & find where I put the candles. Even though we're not religious (at all), I still like to keep up tradition in the house, so that the boys don't miss out. Plus, it's fun to light the menorah. It's just so pretty. Can't believe how early Chanukah is this year. We're not really doing Christmas this year with Jamie's step-family (except maybe something small once my in-laws get back from Toronto) as every other year it's in Mississauga, Ontario at my step-brotehr-in-law's house, (the other years it's in Montreal) and we're not going to Toronto this year either very pregnant (hopefully not anymore by Xmas) or with a newborn. It'll be a quiet holiday season at our place. So, at least I can give the boys Chanukah.