Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Feeling Good ... School is Over!

My french exam went pretty well. I am impressed with the way I handled myself during the exam. I was not stressed, nor was I doing the test in a rush so I could get out of there. I used to do that. Do an exam really quickly and not think things through. I guess that is why I didnt get good marks in those classes...That was the past, now is the future, and now it's time to move on! I went and got my art literature mark which was posted on the teacher's board right outside her office. It was just our student ID numbers and our marks. They don't post your name on there, and I think that's smart. Anyhow, my mark... is 83% and I am pretty impressed with that mark. While I was hoping I'd get around an 85% I can't complain!

On my way out of school, after my exam, I bumped into this girl I used to work with, Bree and we ended up going to East Side Mario's for lunch. I like that restaurant, it's fun. Anyhow, we had a good lunch, I was totally starving, hadn't eaten all day long, and I think I ate it too fast, because now my tummy aches... bleh! As we were leaving, Bree left her cell number and her email address on a napkin and now we just want to see if our cute waiter will call her or email her!! We'll see. I will keep you posted on that! She told me that she had never done anything as daring and out there as that, and I said there's always a first for everything. Life is definitely too short to avoid opportunities like that one!!

When I got home there was a message waiting on my answering machine from my creative writing teacher. I wasn't going to wait around school for hours to get my manuscript back (Because of the snow storm, I wanted to get home) so I left the teacher a message and he actually called me back in pretty good timing. Anyhow, I got my marks in his class, and they are, 80% on my final manuscript. So with my 80% on my mid-term portfolio and my 86% on my end of term portfolio, my final mark is now... drum roll please.... 84% I am surely doing good this semester! I want to go out this weekend to celebrate. I told E that I want to, and I think I may get my wish! :) Let's see if he uses any romantic energy and takes me out as a surprise :) If not, I know where I want to go...

So an update..
Painting ... 82%
Art Literature ... 83%
Creative Writing ... 84%
Dance ... undecided ... hoping for 85% +
French ... took exam this morning ... hoping for an 80% +
Autobiography ... undecided ... hoping for a 65% +

Now I am at home, just chilling. I need some chill time. I think I am going to pick up a book shortly. Get some reading done!

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